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Likelihood of measurement from tracking filter


measlikelihood = likelihood(filter,zmeas) returns the likelihood of a measurement, zmeas, that was produced by the specified filter, filter.

measlikelihood = likelihood(filter,zmeas,measparams) specifies additional parameters that are used by the MeasurementFcn of the filter.

If filter is a trackingKF or trackingABF object, then you cannot use this syntax.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Filter for object tracking, specified as one of these objects:

Current measurement of a tracked object, specified a vector or matrix.

Parameters for measurement function, specified as a cell array. The parameters are passed to the measurement function that is defined in the MeasurementFcn of the input filter. If filter is a trackingKF or trackingABF object, then you cannot specify measparams.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Likelihood of measurement, returned as a scalar.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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