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LPC to/from Cepstral Coefficients

Convert linear prediction coefficients to cepstral coefficients or cepstral coefficients to linear prediction coefficients

  • LPC to/from Cepstral Coefficients block

DSP System Toolbox / Estimation / Linear Prediction


The LPC to/from Cepstral Coefficients block can convert linear prediction coefficients (LPCs) to cepstral coefficients (CCs) or cepstral coefficients to linear prediction coefficients. Set the Type of conversion parameter to LPCs to cepstral coefficients or Cepstral coefficients to LPCs to select the domain for converting your coefficients. For more information, see Algorithms.

Consider a signal x(n) as the input to an FIR analysis filter represented by LPCs. The output of this analysis filter, e(n), is known as the prediction error signal. The power of this error signal is denoted by P, the prediction error power.



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Specify the LPC coefficients as a vector or a matrix. The block treats each column of the matrix as a channel. When you specify an unoriented vector, the block treats the input as one channel.

This port is unnamed until you set Specify P to via input port.


To enable this port, set Type of conversion to LPCs to cepstral coefficients.

Data Types: single | double

Specify the cepstral coefficients as a vector or a matrix. The block treats each column of the matrix as a channel. When you specify an unoriented vector, the block treats the input as one channel.


To enable this port, set Type of conversion to Cepstral coefficients to LPCs.

Data Types: single | double

Specify the prediction error power P for each channel as a vector through this port. The length of this vector must equal the number of channels in the input.


To enable this port, set Specify P to via input port.

Data Types: single | double


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Cepstral coefficients, returned as a vector or a matrix.


To enable this port, set Type of conversion to LPCs to cepstral coefficients.

Data Types: single | double

Prediction error power P for each channel, returned as a scalar or a vector through this port. The length of this vector must equal the number of channels in the input.


To enable this port, select Output P.

Data Types: single | double


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Specify the domain for converting the coefficients as one of these:

  • LPCs to cepstral coefficients

  • Cepstral coefficients to LPCs

Specify the prediction error power P using one of these options:

  • assume P equals 1 –– Specify the value of P to 1 for all channels.

  • via input port –– Use the P port to input the prediction error power for each channel. The length of this vector must equal the number of channels in the input.


To enable this parameter, set Type of conversion to LPCs to cepstral coefficients.

Select this check box to output the prediction error power for each channel from output port P.


To enable this parameter, set Type of conversion to Cepstral coefficients to LPCs

When you select this check box, the length of the input vector of LPCs is equal to the output vector of CCs. When you do not select this check box, enter a positive scalar for the Length of output cepstral coefficients parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Type of conversion to LPCs to cepstral coefficients.

Specify the length of the output cepstral coefficients vector as a positive integer. This value determines the length of each channel in the output cepstral coefficients.


To enable this parameter, set Type of conversion to LPCs to cepstral coefficients

Specify the action to take if the first coefficient of the LPC coefficient vector is not 1. You can set this parameter to one of these options:

  • Replace it with 1 — The block changes the first value of the coefficient vector to 1. The rest of the coefficient values are unchanged.

  • Normalize — The block divides the entire vector of coefficients by the first coefficient so that the first coefficient of the LPC coefficient vector is 1.

  • Normalize and Warn — The block divides the entire vector of coefficients by the first coefficient so that the first coefficient of the LPC coefficient vector is 1. The block displays a warning message stating that the vector of coefficients has been normalized.

  • Error — The block displays an error stating that the first coefficient of the LPC coefficient vector is not 1.


To enable this parameter, set Type of conversion to LPCs to cepstral coefficients.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

double | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection



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The cepstral coefficients are the coefficients of the Fourier transform representation of the logarithm magnitude spectrum. Consider a sequence, x(n), having a Fourier transform X(ω). The cepstrum, cx(n), is defined by the inverse Fourier transform of Cx(ω), where Cx(ω) = logeX (ω). See the Real Cepstrum block reference page for information on computing cepstrum coefficients from time-domain signals.


[1] Papamichalis, Panos E. Practical Approaches to Speech Coding. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1987.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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