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System Core

Configure and use system core peripherals such as GPIO, Hardware Interrupt, DMA, and more

Create Simulink® models with the system core peripherals such as GPIO, Hardware Interrupt, DMA, and more available with STM32 processors. Configure the Simulink model to interface with supported target hardware using model configuration parameters.

Support for STM32 processor based board with Simulink uses STM32CubeMX graphical tool. STM32CubeMX tool is a graphical interface that you can use to configure peripherals of STM32 processors and generate peripheral initialization code for the STM32 processors that you select. You can configure the STM32 Processor-Based Boards to use the STM32CubeMX project with Simulink to generate code and deploy the code to the hardware.


Digital Port WriteSet GPIO pin status (Since R2021b)
Digital Port ReadRead GPIO pin status (Since R2021b)
Hardware InterruptTrigger downstream function-call subsystems from interrupt service routine (Since R2021b)


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