Fixed-Point Math Functions
Create and manipulate fixed-point matrices and arrays. Use arithmetic, linear algebra, trigonometric, statistics, and complex math functions that support fixed-point data types.
Array and Matrix Operations
Array Creation
colon, : | Create vectors, array subscripting |
eye | Create identity matrix with fixed-point properties |
ones | Create array of all ones with fixed-point properties |
zeros | Create array of all zeros with fixed-point properties |
Array and Matrix Manipulation
horzcat | Concatenate multiple fi objects horizontally |
sort | Sort elements of real-valued fi object in ascending or descending
order |
subsasgn | Subscripted assignment |
subsref | Subscripted reference |
vertcat | Concatenate fi object arrays vertically |
Basic Array and Matrix Information
isequivalent | Determine if two numerictype objects
have equivalent properties |
isfloat | Determine whether input is floating-point data type |
max | Largest element in array of fi objects |
min | Smallest element in array of fi objects |
numel | Number of data elements in fi array |
Array and Matrix Operators
ctranspose | Complex conjugate transpose of fi object |
minus | Matrix difference between fi objects |
mpower | Fixed-point matrix power (^) |
mrdivide | Right-matrix division |
mtimes | Matrix product of fi objects |
plus | Matrix sum of fi objects |
qr | Orthogonal-triangular decomposition |
rdivide | Right-array division |
shiftdata | Shift data to operate on specified dimension |
sum | Sum of fi array elements |
times | Element-by-element multiplication of fi objects |
uminus | Negate elements of fi object array |
unshiftdata | Inverse of shiftdata |
Linear System Solvers and Matrix Factorizations
fixed.backwardSubstitute | Solve upper-triangular system of equations through backward substitution (Since R2020b) |
fixed.forwardSubstitute | Solve lower-triangular system of equations through forward substitution (Since R2020b) |
fixed.jacobiSVD | Fixed-point Jacobi singular value decomposition (Since R2023a) |
fixed.qlessQR | Q-less QR decomposition (Since R2020b) |
fixed.qlessQRUpdate | Update QR factorization (Since R2020b) |
fixed.qrAB | Compute C = Q'B and upper-triangular factor R (Since R2020b) |
fixed.qrMatrixSolve | Solve system of linear equations Ax = B for x using QR decomposition (Since R2020b) |
fixed.qlessQRMatrixSolve | Solve system of linear equations (A'A)X = B for X using Q-less QR decomposition (Since R2020b) |
fixed.svd | Fixed-point Golub-Kahan-Reinsch singular value decomposition (Since R2022b) |
svd | Fixed-point Golub-Kahan-Reinsch singular value decomposition (Since R2022b) |
Specialized Matrices
toeplitz | Create Toeplitz matrix |
cordicsigmoid | CORDIC-based approximation of sigmoid activation (Since R2023b) |
Complex Math
Math Operations
accumneg | Subtract two fi objects or values |
accumpos | Add two fi objects or values |
add | Add two arrays using fimath object |
atan2 | Four-quadrant inverse tangent of fixed-point values |
ceilDiv | Round the result of division toward positive infinity (Since R2021a) |
conv | Convolution and polynomial multiplication of fi
objects |
cos | Cosine of fi object in radians |
divide | Divide two fi objects |
fixDiv | Round the result of division toward zero (Since R2021a) |
floorDiv | Round the result of division toward negative infinity (Since R2021a) |
mpy | Multiply two arrays using fimath object |
nearestDiv | Round the result of division toward the nearest integer (Since R2021a) |
nnz | Number of nonzero elements in fi object (Since R2020b) |
normalizedReciprocal | Compute normalized reciprocal (Since R2020a) |
sin | Sine of fixed-point values |
sqrt | Square root of fi object |
sub | Subtract two arrays using fimath object |
Radix Conversion
bin | Unsigned binary representation of stored integer of fi
object |
bin2num | Convert two's complement binary string to number using quantizer
object |
dec | Unsigned decimal representation of stored integer of fi
object |
dec2base | Convert decimal integer to its base-n representation for
fi objects (Since R2021b) |
dec2bin | Convert decimal integer to its binary representation for fi
objects (Since R2021b) |
dec2hex | Convert decimal integer to its hexadecimal representation for fi
objects (Since R2021b) |
hex | Hexadecimal representation of stored integer of fi
object |
hex2num | Convert hexadecimal string to number using quantizer
object |
num2bin | Convert number to binary representation using quantizer
object |
num2hex | Convert number to hexadecimal equivalent using quantizer
object |
num2int | Convert number to signed integer using quantizer
object |
oct | Octal representation of stored integer of fi object |
sdec | Signed decimal representation of stored integer of fi object |
Relational Operators
eq | Determine whether real-world values are equal |
ge | Determine whether real-world value of one array is greater than or equal to another |
gt | Determine whether real-world value of one array is greater than another |
le | Determine whether real-world value of one array is less than or equal to another |
lt | Determine whether real-world value of one array is less than another |
ne | Determine whether real-world values of two arrays are not equal |
Rounding and Remainders
Rounding Functions
ceil | Rounds toward positive infinity |
convergent | Round toward nearest integer with ties rounding to nearest even integer |
fix | Round toward zero |
floor | Round toward negative infinity |
nearest | Round toward nearest integer with ties rounding toward positive infinity |
round | Round fi object toward nearest integer or round input data using
quantizer object |
Modulus and Remainder Functions
mod | Modulus after division for fi objects |
modByConstant | Modulus after division by a constant denominator (Since R2021a) |
errmean | Mean of quantization error |
errpdf | Probability density function of quantization error |
errvar | Variance of quantization error |
logreport | Quantization report |
maxlog | Log maximums |
minlog | Log minimums |
noperations | Number of quantization operations by quantizer
object |
noverflows | Number of overflows |
nunderflows | Number of underflows |
resetlog | Clear log for fi or quantizer object |
mean | Average or mean value of fixed-point array |
median | Median value of fixed-point array |
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