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Propagate emissions in tracking scenario

Since R2020a


propEmissions = propagate(sc,emissions) returns propagated emissions that are a combination of the input emissions and the reflections of these input emissions from the platforms in the tracking scenario sc.


propEmissions = propagate(sc,emissions,'HasOcclusion',tfOcclusion) specifies whether the radar channel models occlusion or not. By default, tfOcclusion is set to true.


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Create a tracking scenario and add two platforms. Set the position of each platform and add an emitter.

ts = trackingScenario('UpdateRate',1);
plat1 = platform(ts);
plat1.Trajectory.Position = [0,0,0];
emitter1 = radarEmitter(1,'UpdateRate',1);
plat1.Emitters = emitter1;
plat2 = platform(ts);
plat2.Trajectory.Position = [100,0,0];
emitter2 = radarEmitter(2,'UpdateRate',1);
plat2.Emitters = emitter2;

Advance the tracking scenario, generate emissions, and obtain propagated emissions.

emtx = emit(ts); % Get emissions
emprop = propagate(ts, emtx, 'HasOcclusion', true)
emprop=3×1 cell array
    {1x1 radarEmission}
    {1x1 radarEmission}
    {1x1 radarEmission}

The last emission was emitted by emitter 1 and reflected from platform 2.

  radarEmission with properties:

              PlatformID: 2
            EmitterIndex: 1
          OriginPosition: [100 0 0]
          OriginVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Orientation: [1x1 quaternion]
             FieldOfView: [180 180]
         CenterFrequency: 300000000
               Bandwidth: 3000000
            WaveformType: 0
          ProcessingGain: 0
        PropagationRange: 100.0313
    PropagationRangeRate: 0
                    EIRP: 38.0071
                     RCS: 10

Input Arguments

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Tracking scenario, specified as a trackingScenario object.

Emissions in the tracking scenario, specified as a cell array of emission objects, such as radarEmission and sonarEmission objects. You can obtain emissions from a tracking scenario using the emit function.

Indicate HasOcculusion status, specified as true or false.

Output Arguments

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Propagated emissions in the tracking scenario, specified as a cell array of emission objects, such as radarEmission and sonarEmission objects. The propagated emissions contain the source emissions and the emissions reflected from the platforms.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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