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Fuzzy PID Controller

Fuzzy logic-based PID controller

Since R2024b

Fuzzy Logic Toolbox


The Fuzzy PID Controller block implements a PID controller with a single Fuzzy Logic Controller block and parallel structure. The control architecture is shown in the following figure.

Fuzzy PID controller structure

For this controller:

  • The inputs to the block are the reference signal (r) and the plant output (y).

  • The inputs to the FIS are the error (E) and the change in error (ΔE).

  • The error signal is scaled by gain factor Ce.

  • The change in error is scaled by gain factor Cd.

  • The FIS has a single output that splits into a PI control branch and a PD control branch.

  • The PI control branch contains gain C0 and an integrator.

  • The PD control branch contains gain C1.

  • The control signal output by the block is the sum of the PI and PD branches.

For more information on this controller structure, see [1].




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Reference signal to track.

Output of the system under control.


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Controller output, based on a sum of the PI, PD, and feedforward controller paths.

Difference between the reference signal r and plant output y. Use this output for tracking error metrics, such as the integral of absolute (IAE).


  • To enable this port, select the Add error (e) output parameter.


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Controller Options

Specify either a discrete-time or continuous-time controller.

When you select Discrete-time, it is recommended that you specify an explicit sample time for the block using the Sample time parameter. Selecting Discrete-time also enables the Integrator method, and Filter method parameters.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: TimeDomainType
Values: "Discrete-time" (default) | "Continuous-time"

Specify a gain factor to scale the error signal to the range of the corresponding input variable of the FIS.

For more information on selecting initial controller gains, see Derive Controller Gains from Conventional PID Gains.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: CE
Values: "1" (default) | nonnegative scalar in quotes

Specify the gain factor applied to the derivative signal before it enters the FIS.

This gain factor is also applied in the reference feedforward path when Derivative signal is Process output (y).

For more information on selecting initial controller gains, see Derive Controller Gains from Conventional PID Gains.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: CD
Values: "1" | nonnegative scalar in quotes

Specify the gain factor applied to the FIS output in the PI control branch.

This gain factor is also applied in the reference feedforward path when Derivative signal is Process output (y).

To design a PD controller, set C0 to zero.

For more information on selecting initial controller gains, see Derive Controller Gains from Conventional PID Gains.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: C0
Values: "1" | nonnegative scalar in quotes

Specify the gain factor applied to the FIS output in the PD control path.

To design a PI controller, set C1 to zero.

For more information on selecting initial controller gains, see Derive Controller Gains from Conventional PID Gains.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: C1
Values: "1" | nonnegative scalar in quotes

In discrete time, the integral term of the controller transfer function is (z), where α(z) depends on the integrator method you specify with this parameter.

You can specify one of the following integration methods:

  • Forward Euler — Forward rectangular (left-hand)

  • Backward Euler — Backward rectangular (right-hand) approximation

  • Trapezoidal — Bilinear approximation

For more information about the filtered derivative, see the Integrator method (Simulink) parameter of the PID Controller block.


  • To enable this parameter, set the Time Domain parameter to Discrete-time.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: IntegratorMethod
Values: "Forward Euler" (default) | "Backward Euler" | "Trapezoidal"

Select this parameter to accumulate signal in the integration stage.

When you clear Use accumulator, the integration sample time for the controller is the block sample time, as specified in the Sample time parameter.

When you select Use accumulator, the integration sample time for the controller is 1. In this case, the block sample time determines when the integral output is computed but does not impact the integral output value.

When you use an accumulator, multiply C0 by the Sample time.


  • To enable this parameter, set the Time Domain parameter to Discrete-time.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: UseAccumulator
Values: "off" (default) | "on"

Compute the derivative from one of the following signals:

  • Error (e) —Use the error signal, which is the difference between the plant output and the reference signal, as shown in the following figure.

    Fuzzy PID controller structure with the error signal used for computing the derivative.

  • Process output (y) — Use the plant output directly, as shown in the following figure. When you select this option, the controller includes a feedforward path from the reference signal to the controller output.

    Fuzzy PID controller structure with the plant output used for computing the derivative. The controller now includes a feedforward path that contains the Cd and C0 controller gains.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: DerivativeSignal
Values: "Error (e)" (default) | "Process output (y)"

For discrete-time controllers, clear this option to replace the filtered derivative with an unfiltered discrete-time differentiator with pole locations that depend on the Filter method parameter.

For continuous-time controllers, the derivative term is always filtered.

For more information about the filtered derivative, see the Use filtered derivative (Simulink) parameter of the PID Controller block.


To enable this parameter, set Time domain to Discrete-time.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: UseFilter
Values: "on" (default) | "off"

Specify a finite, real gain value for the filter coefficient. The filter coefficient determines the pole location of the filter in the derivative action of the block. The location of the filter pole depends on the Time domain parameter.

For more information about the filter coefficient and its impact on pole locations, see the Filter coefficient (N) (Simulink) parameter of the PID Controller block.


  • To enable this parameter for discrete-time controllers, select the Use filtered derivative parameter.

  • This parameter is always enabled for continuous-time controllers.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: N
Values: "100" (default) | positive scalar in quotes

You can specify one of the following filter methods for the derivative term of the controller:

  • Forward Euler — Forward rectangular (left-hand)

  • Backward Euler — Backward rectangular (right-hand) approximation

  • Trapezoidal — Bilinear approximation

For more information about these methods, see the Filter method (Simulink) parameter of the PID Controller block.


  • To enable this parameter,set the Time Domain parameter to Discrete-time and select the Use filtered derivative parameter.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: DerivativeFilterMethod
Values: "Forward Euler" (default) | "Backward Euler" | "Trapezoidal"

Enable e output port for accessing the error signal.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: E
Values: "off" (default) | "on"

Specify a sample time by entering a positive scalar value, such as 0.1. The default discrete sample time of –1 means that the block inherits its sample time from upstream blocks. However, it is recommended that you set the controller sample time explicitly, especially if you expect the sample time of upstream blocks to change. The effect of the controller coefficients depend on the sample time. Thus, for a given set of coefficient values, changing the sample time changes the performance of the controller.


  • To enable this parameter, set the Time Domain parameter to Discrete-time.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: SampleTime
Values: "-1" (default) | positive scalar in quotes

Fuzzy Inference System

Fuzzy inference system, specified as one of the following:

  • mamfis or sugfis object — Specify the name of a type-1 FIS object in the MATLAB® workspace.

  • mamfistype2 or sugfistype2 object — Specify the name of a type-2 FIS object in the MATLAB workspace.

  • Name of a FIS file (*.fis) in the current working folder or on the MATLAB path. Including the file extension in the file name is optional. Specify the filename in quotes.

  • Name of a MAT file (*.mat) in the current working folder or on the MATLAB path. The MAT file must contain only one FIS object. Including the file extension in the file name is optional. Specify the filename in quotes.

The FIS must have two input variables (error signal and derivative signal) and one output variable.

The default FIS, fuzzycontroller, is a linear FIS configured to allow easier selection of fuzzy PID controller gains based on specified conventional PID controller gains. For more information about this FIS, see Default FIS.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: FIS
Values: '"fuzzycontroller"' (default) | variable name in quotes | file name in quotes

Number of samples for discretizing the range of FIS output variables, specified as an integer greater than 1. This value corresponds to the number of points in the output fuzzy set for each rule.

To reduce memory usage while evaluating Mamdani FISs, specify a lower number of samples. Doing so sacrifices the accuracy of the defuzzified output value. Specifying a low number of samples can make the output area for defuzzification zero. In this case, the defuzzified output value is the midpoint of the output variable range.


The block ignores this parameter when evaluating Sugeno FISs.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: OutputSampleNumber
Values: "101" (default) | integer greater than 1 in quotes

To reduce the processing time for the controller, you can represent your FIS as a lookup table.

The block divides the input range of each FIS input into equally sized regions based on the number of breakpoints. Specify the number of breakpoints using the Number of input breakpoints parameter.

For each input combination, the block calculates a corresponding FIS output. During evaluation, the controller uses these precomputed outputs instead of performing the fuzzy inference process.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: UseLookupTable
Values: "off" (default) | "on"

Number of lookup table breakpoints, specified as a positive integer. Increasing the number of breakpoints improves the accuracy of the lookup table while increasing its memory requirements.


  • To enable this parameter, select the Implement FIS as lookup table parameter.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param (Simulink) function.

Parameter: NumBreakpoints
Values: "10" (default) | positive integer in quotes


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[1] Xu, J. X., Hang, C. C., Liu, C. "Parallel structure and tuning of a fuzzy PID controller." Automatica, Vol. 36, pp. 673-684. 2000.

[2] Ying, Hao. Fuzzy Control and Modeling: Analytical Foundations and Applications. IEEE Press Series in Biomedical Engineering. New York: IEEE Press, 2000.

Extended Capabilities

PLC Code Generation
Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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