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Convert Integer to Vector of Bits

This example shows how to implement the Word to Bits block in a Simulink® Model that converts an integer to a vector of bits. You also generate HDL code for the model.

Simulate Model

Load and open the hdlcoder_word_to_bits model. The DUT subsystem contains the Word to Bits block, which converts an integer to a vector of bits.


Simulate the hdlcoder_word_to_bits model. The input is an integer with a value of 72. The block uses maximum word length of 8 to determine the output vector size. The output is a binary representation of 72. The block treats first element of the output vector as the least significant bit (LSB) of the output.


Generate HDL code

You can generate the HDL code for a model by using HDL Coder™. To generate HDL code for DUT subsystem, run this makehdl command:

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