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Basic HDL Algorithms

Create simple HDL designs using basic Simulink® blocks

The HDL Coder block library contains many basic blocks that you can add to your Simulink modeling environment and develop your HDL algorithm. These blocks include input sources, output sinks, and blocks that perform basic to complex math and trigonometric operations.

To filter the Simulink Library Browser to show only HDL-supported blocks, enter hdllib. The blocks listed in this section include those blocks that are only available in the HDL Coder library. Blocks such as Add and Product are available in the Simulink library in the Library Browser.

For a filtered list of Simulink blocks supported for HDL code generation, see Simulink Block List (HDL Code Generation).


hdllibDisplay blocks that are compatible with HDL code generation


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Bit ConcatConcatenates up to 128 input words into single output
Bit ReduceAND, OR, or XOR bit reduction on all input signal bits to single bit
Bit RotateRotate input signal by bit positions
Bit ShiftLogical or arithmetic shift of input signal
Bit SliceReturn field of consecutive bits from input signal
Bits to WordConvert vector of bits to integer (Since R2023a)
Word to BitsConverts real numbers to vector of bits (Since R2023a)
Sine HDL Optimized and Cosine HDL OptimizedImplement fixed-point sine and cosine wave by using lookup table approach optimized for HDL code generation
HDL CounterFree-running or count-limited hardware counter
Atan2Implement control signal based atan2 function (Since R2020b)
SinImplement control signal based sine function (Since R2020b)
CosImplement control signal based cosine function (Since R2020b)
Cos+jSinImplement control signal based Cos+jSin function (Since R2020b)
SinCosImplement control signal based sine and cosine function (Since R2020b)
rSqrtImplement control-signal-based reciprocal square root function (Since R2020b)
SqrtImplement control-signal-based square root function (Since R2020b)
DivideImplement control-signal-based division operation (Since R2020b)
ReciprocalImplement control-signal-based reciprocal operation (Since R2020b)


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