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HDL Counter

Free-running or count-limited hardware counter

  • HDL Counter block

HDL Coder / Sources


The HDL Counter block models a free-running, count-limited, or modulo hardware counter that supports signed and unsigned integer and fixed-point data types. The counter emits its value for the current sample time. During simulation, this block does not report warnings or errors due to wrap on overflow. To report these warnings, see Simulink.restoreDiagnostic.

By default, the counter does not have input ports. The counter counts up from an initial value to a threshold value based on the Counter type, the Count to value, and the Word length. The output data type of the counter depends on the Counter output data, Word length, and Fraction length.



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Local reset port for the counter that when high resets the count value.


To enable this port, set Local reset port.

Data Types: Boolean

Load port that when high sets the counter to the load value, load_val.


To enable this port, set Load ports.

Data Types: Boolean

Data value to load for setting the count value when high input is given to the load port.


To enable this port, set Load ports.

Data Types: Boolean

Enable signal that specifies whether the counter should count from the previous value. When this signal is high, the counter counts continues up or down depending on the direction. When this signal is low, the counter holds the previous value.


To enable this port, set Count enable port.

Data Types: Boolean

Count direction that specifies whether to count up or count down. This port interacts with Step value to determine count direction.

  • 1: This value is the default that results in an up counter. The Step value is added to the current counter value to compute the next value.

  • 0: This value results in a down counter. The Step value is subtracted from the current counter value to compute the next value.


To enable this port, set Count direction port.

Data Types: Boolean


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This is the counter value. By default, if you do not enable the input ports, the counter counts up to a value that is determined based on the Counter type, the Count to value, and the Word length.

Data Types: int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Counter limit indicator, returned as a Boolean scalar.

  • 1: indicates that the counter reached its limit.

  • 0: indicates that the counter did not reach its limit.


To enable this port, select the Count hit output port parameter.

Data Types: Boolean


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Counter behavior that determines whether to model a free running, count-limited, or module hardware counter.

  • Free running (default): The counter continues to increment or decrement by the Step value until reset.

  • Count limited: The counter increments or decrements by the Step value until it is exactly equal to the Count to value. If the Step value value is such that the count value does not exactly equal the Count to value, then it can continue counting to a threshold value that is determined by the word length.

  • Modulo: The counter increments or decrements by the Step value until it reaches the Count to value. If the Step value value is such that the count value does not exactly equal the Count to value, then the counter wraps to a value that is determined by the wrapping step value.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountType
Type: character vector
Value: 'Free running' | 'Count limited' | 'Modulo'
Default: 'Free running'

The value to which the counter resets. The default value is 0.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountInit
Type: character vector
Value: An integer greater than or equal to zero
Default: '0'

Value added to counter at each sample time. The default value is 1.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountStep
Type: character vector
Value: An integer greater than or equal to zero
Default: '1'

When you use a Count limited counter, if the count is exactly equal to Count to value, the count restarts at the Initial value. If the count value exceeds the Count to value, the counter continues counting to a threshold value that depends on the Word length. The default is 25.

When you use a Modulo counter, if the count reaches the Count to value, the count restarts at a value that is determined by the wrapping step value.


To enable this parameter, set Counter type to Count limited or Modulo.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountMax
Type: character vector
Value: An integer greater than or equal to zero
Default: '25'

Specifies the parameter that sets the start value after rollover when you use a Count limited or Free running counter. When you use a Modulo counter, the counter can rollover to a wrapping step value that is different from the value to count from. When set to Specify, the Count from value parameter is the start value after rollover. The default is Initial value.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountFromType
Type: character vector
Value: 'Initial value' | 'Specify'
Default: 'Initial value'

Counter value after rollover when Count from is set to Specify. The default is 0.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountFrom
Type: character vector
Value: 'Initial value' | 'Specify'
Default: 'Initial value'

When selected, creates a local reset port, rst.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountResetPort
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

When selected, creates a load data port, load_val, and load trigger port, load.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountLoadPort
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

When selected, creates a count enable port, enb.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountEnbPort
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

When selected, creates a count direction port, dir.

Enabling this parameter disables the Count hit output port parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountDirPort
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Select this parameter to enable the count_hit output port.

Enabling this parameter clears the Count direction port parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountHitOutputPort
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Output data type signedness. The default is Unsigned.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountDataType
Type: character vector
Value: 'Unsigned' | 'Signed'
Default: 'off'

Bit width, including sign bit, for an integer counter; word length for a fixed-point data type counter. The minimum value if Output data type is Unsigned is 1, 2 if Signed. The maximum value is 125. The default is 8.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountWordLen
Type: character vector
Value: An integer greater than or equal to one
Default: '8'

Fixed-point data type fraction length. The default is 0.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountFracLen
Type: character vector
Value: An integer greater than or equal to zero
Default: '0'

Sample time. The default is 1. This parameter is not available, and the block inherits its sample time from the input ports when any of these parameters is selected:

  • Local reset port

  • Load ports

  • Count enable port

  • Count direction port

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: CountSampTime
Type: character vector
Value: An integer greater than or equal to one
Default: '1'


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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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