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True for variable nodes of OPC UA server


variableType = isVariableType(nodeObj) returns true (logical 1) for nodes that are variable type nodes, or false (logical 0) otherwise. You can write values, and read current and historical values from variable type nodes.



collapse all

Create an OPC UA client ans connect it to the server

uaClient = opcua("opc.tcp://localhost:53530/OPCUA/SimulationServer");

Select nodes from the server namespace

nodes = browseNamespace(uaClient)
nodes = 
1x2 OPC UA Node array:
    index     Name      NsInd  Identifier  NodeType  Children
    -----  -----------  -----  ----------  --------  --------
      1    DoubleValue  2      10226       Variable  0
      2    Scalar       2      10159       Object    29

Determine if the selected nodes are of variable type

ans =

  1x2 logical array

   1   0

Input Arguments

collapse all

OPC UA nodes, specified as an array of node objects.

Example: nodeObj = opcuanode()

Output Arguments

collapse all

Indication that node is variable type, returned as a logical value or array of logical values. A value of true (1) indicates that the node is of variable type.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

See Also


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