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Evaluate a neural state-space system for a given set of state and input values and return state derivative (or next state) and output values

Since R2022b



    [dxdt,y] = evaluate(nss,x) evaluates the state and output networks of the autonomous time-invariant neural state-space system nss at state x, and returns the time-derivative of the state dxdt and the output y.

    [dxdt,y] = evaluate(nss,x,u) evaluates the state and output networks of the time-invariant neural state-space system nss with input u.

    [dxdt,y] = evaluate(nss,t,x) evaluates the state and output networks of the autonomous time-varying neural state-space system nss at time t.

    [dxdt,y] = evaluate(nss,t,x,u) evaluates the state and output networks of the time-varying neural state-space system nss at time t.



    [xNext,y] = evaluate(nss,x) evaluates the state and output networks of the autonomous time-invariant neural state-space system nss at state x, and returns the next state xNext and the output y.

    [xNext,y] = evaluate(nss,x,u) evaluates the state and output networks of the time-invariant neural state-space system nss with input u.

    [xNext,y] = evaluate(nss,t,x) evaluates the state and output networks of the autonomous time-varying neural state-space system nss at time t.

    [xNext,y] = evaluate(nss,t,x,u) evaluates the state and output networks of the time-varying neural state-space system nss at time t.



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    Use idNeuralStateSpace to create a continuous-time neural state-space object with two states, one input, and outputs identical to states.

    nss = idNeuralStateSpace(2,NumInputs=1)
    nss =
    Continuous-time Neural ODE in 2 variables
         dx/dt = f(x(t),u(t))
          y(t) = x(t) + e(t)
    f(.) network:
      Deep network with 2 fully connected, hidden layers
      Activation function: tanh
    Variables: x1, x2
    Created by direct construction or transformation. Not estimated.

    Define random state and input values.

    x = rand(2,1)
    x = 2×1
    u = rand(1)
    u = 

    Evaluate the (untrained) state and output networks of nss at the defined state and input.

    [dxdt,y] = evaluate(nss,x,u)
    dxdt = 2×1
    y = 2×1

    Note that the output is identical to the current state, as expected.

    Use idNeuralStateSpace to create a discrete-time neural state-space object with three states, two inputs, four outputs, and sample time 0.1.

    nss = idNeuralStateSpace(3,NumInputs=2,NumOutputs=4,Ts=0.1)
    nss =
    Discrete-time Neural State-Space Model with 4 outputs, 3 states, and 2 inputs
         x(t+1) = f(x(t),u(t))
         y_1(t) = x(t) + e_1(t)
         y_2(t) = g(x(t),u(t)) + e_2(t)
           y(t) = [y_1(t); y_2(t)]
    f(.) network:
      Deep network with 2 fully connected, hidden layers
      Activation function: tanh
    g(.) network:
      Deep network with 2 fully connected, hidden layers
      Activation function: tanh
    Inputs: u1, u2
    Outputs: y1, y2, y3, y4
    States: x1, x2, x3
    Sample time: 0.1 seconds
    Created by direct construction or transformation. Not estimated.

    Define random state and input values.

    x = rand(3,1)
    x = 3×1
    u = rand(2,1)
    u = 2×1

    Evaluate the (untrained) state and output networks of nss at the defined state and input.

    [xNext,y] = evaluate(nss,x,u)
    xNext = 3×1
    y = 4×1

    Note that the first three outputs are the current states, as expected.

    Input Arguments

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    Neural state-space system, specified as an idNeuralStateSpace object.

    Example: myNrlSS

    Value of the time variable, specified as a scalar, for time-varying idNeuralStateSpace systems.

    Example: 1.8

    Value of the state, specified as a scalar or column vector.

    If you added an encoder or decoder to nss, then x is the value of the latent state, specified as a scalar or column vector.

    Example: [-1.2 -0.3]'

    Value of the input, specified as a scalar or column vector.

    Example: 2.9

    Output Arguments

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    Value of the time-derivative of the state, returned as a scalar or column vector. This is obtained by evaluating the state network of the continuous-time idNeuralStateSpace system nss.

    If you added an encoder or decoder to nss, then dxdt is the value of the time-derivative of the latent state, returned as a scalar or column vector.

    Example: [-1.2 -4.9 3.8]'

    Value of the state at the next sample time, returned as a scalar or column vector. This is obtained by evaluating the state network of the discrete-time idNeuralStateSpace system nss.

    If you added an encoder or decoder to nss, then xNext is the value of the latent state at the next sample time, returned as a scalar or column vector.

    Example: [0.69 0.31]'

    Value of the output, returned as a scalar or column vector with as may elements as the total number of outputs. This is obtained by evaluating both output networks of the idNeuralStateSpace system nss. Note that the first nx elements of y are always equal to the elements of x, where nx is the number of states specified in nss.

    Example: [2 -3.1]

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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