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Represent Data

Measure or generate data, represent data using timetables, numeric matrices, and data objects, import data into the app, manipulate complex-valued data

System Identification Toolbox™ estimation, validation, and analytical functions accept input/output estimation data in multiple forms.

  • Time-domain data — Timetables, numeric matrices, time-domain iddata objects

  • Frequency-domain and frequency response data — Frequency-domain iddata objects, idfrd objects, frd objects

You can also generate custom signal data to provide the stimulation signal for experiments or to study estimated model behavior by simulating the model response to these signals.

Data types such as timetables and iddata objects also include properties that include information about the data such as sample rate, units, and, for iddata objects, intersample behavior, channel names, and experiment identifiers. Numeric matrices contain only data values, and provide no information on sample rate or any other data properties.

You can combine related data sets as long as they have the same sample rate and channel selections. In particular, you can create multiexperiment data sets that must share sample rate and channel selections but can have different durations and start times.


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timetableTables for time series data, with timestamped rows and variables of different types
iddataInput-output data and its properties for system identification in the time or frequency domain
idfrdFrequency response data or model
iddata2timetableConvert time-domain iddata object to timetable object (Since R2023a)
idinputGenerate input signals to support system identification
simSimulate response of identified model
simOptionsOption set for sim
sizeDetermine size of iddata data set
midprefsSpecify location for file containing System Identification app startup information


Iddata SinkExport simulation data as iddata object to MATLAB workspace
Iddata SourceImport time-domain data stored in iddata object in MATLAB workspace


Data Requirements

Work with Data Types

Generate Input and Output Data

Work with Data in the App

Use Complex-Valued Data

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