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Read metadata from Interfile file


info = interfileinfo(filename) returns a structure whose fields contain information about an image in the Interfile header file specified by filename.

The Interfile file format was developed for the exchange of nuclear medicine data. In Interfile 3.3, metadata is stored in a header file, separate from the image data. The two files have the same name with different file extensions. The header file has the file extension .hdr and the image file has the file extension .img.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of Interfile header file, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The file must be in the current directory or in a directory on the MATLAB® path.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Metadata of Interfile file, returned as a structure.


[1] Todd-Pokropek, A, Cradduck, T.D., and Deconinck, F. A File Format for the Exchange of Nuclear Medicine Image Data: a specification of Interfile Version 3.3. Nucl Med Commun 13(9): 673-99, 1992.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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