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Specify Offset Used in GLCM Calculation

By default, the graycomatrix function creates a single GLCM, with the spatial relationship, or offset, defined as two horizontally adjacent pixels. However, a single GLCM might not be enough to describe the textural features of the input image. For example, a single horizontal offset might not be sensitive to texture with a vertical orientation. For this reason, graycomatrix can create multiple GLCMs for a single input image.

To create multiple GLCMs, specify an array of offsets to the graycomatrix function. These offsets define pixel relationships of varying direction and distance. For example, you can define an array of offsets that specify four directions (horizontal, vertical, and two diagonals) and four distances. In this case, the input image is represented by 16 GLCMs. When you calculate statistics from these GLCMs, you can take the average.

You specify these offsets as a p-by-2 array of integers. Each row in the array is a two-element vector, [row_offset, col_offset], that specifies one offset. row_offset is the number of rows between the pixel of interest and its neighbor. col_offset is the number of columns between the pixel of interest and its neighbor. This example creates an offset that specifies four directions and four distances for each direction.

offsets = [ 0 1; 0 2; 0 3; 0 4;...
           -1 1; -2 2; -3 3; -4 4;...
           -1 0; -2 0; -3 0; -4 0;...
           -1 -1; -2 -2; -3 -3; -4 -4];

The figure illustrates the spatial relationships of pixels that are defined by this array of offsets, where D represents the distance from the pixel of interest.

Four paths radiating from the pixel of interest in these directions: 0, 45, 90, and 135 degrees. Each path is four pixels long. The indices of the pixels along each path match the offsets in the matrix specified above.

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