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Installing the Support Packages for Image Acquisition Toolbox Adaptors

With previous versions of the Image Acquisition Toolbox™, the files for all of the adaptors were included in your installation. Starting with version R2014a, each adaptor is available separately in support packages via MATLAB® Add-Ons. All of the support packages contain the necessary MATLAB files to use the toolbox with your adaptor. Some also contain third-party files, such as drivers or camera set-up utilities.

To use the cameras or frame grabbers you have been using with the toolbox, you must install the support package for the adaptor that your camera uses. If you use multiple adaptors, you need to install the support package for each one you use. For example, if you have a Webcam on a Windows® system and a Matrox® camera, you would need to install the Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for OS Generic Video Interface for the winvideo adaptor for the Webcam and the Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Matrox Hardware for the matrox adaptor.

To use the Image Acquisition Toolbox for acquisition from any generic video interface, you need to install the Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for OS Generic Video Interface. This includes any cameras that use the Windows Video (winvideo), Macintosh Video (macvideo), or Linux Video (linuxvideo) adaptors. The correct files will be installed, depending on your operating system.

All video interface adaptors are available through the Hardware Support Packages. Using this installation process, you download and install the following file(s) on your host computer:

Install a Support Package

To install a support package:

  1. On the MATLAB Home tab, in the Environment section, click Add-Ons > Get Hardware Support Packages.

  2. In the Add-On Explorer, scroll to the Hardware Support Packages section, and click show all to find your support package.

  3. You can refine the list by selecting Imaging/Cameras in the Refine by Hardware Type section on the left side of the Explorer.

  4. Select the support package for your adaptor. The table in Image Acquisition Support Packages for Hardware Adaptors shows the names of the support packages for each adaptor type.

Uninstall or Update a Support Package

You can also use Add-Ons to uninstall or update support packages.

To uninstall support packages:

On the MATLAB Home tab, in the Environment section, click Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons.

To update existing support packages:

On the MATLAB Home tab, in the Environment section, click Add-Ons > Check for Updates > Hardware Support Packages.

For more information about using Add-On Explorer, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.

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