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Class: lidar.blocked.Adapter
Namespace: lidar.blocked

Write specified region of blocked point cloud

Since R2022a


setRegion(obj,roi,data,info) writes the data of a pointCloud object to the specified roi. You must specify additional information, info, to set the region, and to get information related to the point cloud. If no additional information is necessary, you must specify an empty array ([]).

Input Arguments

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Adapter object, specified as an instance of an adapter class that is subclassed from the lidar.blocked.Adapter class.

ROI limits of the block, specified as a six-element row vector in the order [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax], defining the range of the block.

Point cloud data, specified as a pointCloud object.

Information about the source, specified as an array containing additional metadata of the input point cloud. It can also contain information necessary to set the region. If no additional information is necessary, you must specify it as an empty array.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a