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Reset ousterFileReader object to first frame

Since R2022a


reset(ousterReader) resets the Ouster® file reader object ousterReader to the first frame by resetting its CurrentTime property to the default value. The default value is the value of the StartTime property of ousterReader.



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Download a ZIP file containing an Ouster packet capture (PCAP) file and the corresponding calibration file, and then unzip the file.

zipFile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile("lidar", "data/");
saveFolder = fileparts(zipFile);
pcapFileName = [saveFolder filesep 'ouster_RoadIntersection' filesep 'ouster_RoadIntersection.pcap'];
calibFileName = [saveFolder filesep 'ouster_RoadIntersection' filesep 'OS1-128U.json'];
if ~(exist(pcapFileName,"file") && exist(calibFileName,"file"))

Create an ousterFileReader object.

ousterReader = ousterFileReader(pcapFileName,calibFileName);

Read the 100th point cloud from the Ouster PCAP file.

ptCloud = readFrame(ousterReader,100);

Check the difference between the values of CurrentTime and StartTime.

disp(ousterReader.CurrentTime - ousterReader.StartTime)
   9.9977 sec

Reset the ousterFileReader object.


Display the difference between the values of CurrentTime and StartTime.

disp(ousterReader.CurrentTime - ousterReader.StartTime)
   0 sec

Input Arguments

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Ouster file reader, specified as an ousterFileReader object.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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