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Mapping Toolbox Data Sets

Mapping Toolbox™ includes several files that contain data sets for the world and the United States. This topic summarizes useful data sets, but is not a comprehensive list.

World Data

FilenameDescriptionHow to Load


World map with land areas in blue

Shapefile containing low-resolution world land areas. The file stores the shapes as polygons with coordinates in latitude and longitude. The shapes have one attribute: Name.

This data is useful for providing geographic context on small-scale maps.

Data Size: 537 rows, 2 variables

For more information, see landareas.txt.

edit landareas.txt

GT = readgeotable("landareas.shp");


World map with populated places in blue

Shapefile containing world populated places. The file stores the shapes as points with coordinates in latitude and longitude. The shapes have one attribute: Name.

Data Size: 318 rows, 2 variables

For more information, see worldcities.txt.

edit worldcities.txt

GT = readgeotable("worldcities.shp");


World map with rivers in blue

Shapefile containing low-resolution world rivers. The file stores the shapes as lines with coordinates in latitude and longitude. The shapes have one attribute: Name.

Data Size: 128 rows, 2 variables

For more information, see worldrivers.txt.

edit worldrivers.txt

GT = readgeotable("worldrivers.shp");


World map with lakes in blue

Shapefile containing low-resolution world lakes and inland seas. The file stores the shapes as polygons with coordinates in latitude and longitude. The shapes have one attribute: Name.

Data Size: 37 rows, 2 variables

For more information, see worldlakes.txt.

edit worldlakes.txt

GT = readgeotable("worldlakes.shp");


World map with coastlines in blue

MAT file containing low-resolution global coastlines. The file stores the latitude coordinates in coastlat and the longitude coordinates in coastlon.

Data Size: Two column vectors with 9865 elements

load coastlines.mat


World map with land areas in yellow and water areas in blue

Vector MBTiles file containing low-zoom levels of region and land boundaries.a The file was created using data from Natural Earth.

Maximum Zoom Level: 5

geobasemap naturalearth


World map of satellite imagery

Raster MBTiles file containing low-resolution USGS imagery.

Maximum Zoom Level: 4

geobasemap usgsimagery

a Alignment of boundaries and region labels are a presentation of the feature provided by the data vendors and do not imply endorsement by MathWorks®.

United States Data

FilenameDescriptionHow to Load


World map with the United States in blue

Shapefile containing moderate-resolution outlines of the United States and the District of Columbia. The file stores the shapes as polygons with coordinates in latitude and longitude. The shapes have three attributes: Name, LabelLat, and LabelLon.

Data Size: 51 rows, 4 variables

For more information, see usastatehi.txt.

edit usastatehi.txt

GT = readgeotable("usastatehi.shp");


World map with the United States in blue

Shapefile containing low-resolution outlines of the United States and the District of Columbia. The file stores the states as polygons with coordinates in latitude and longitude. The shapes have three attributes: Name, LabelLat, and LabelLon.

Data Size: 51 rows, 4 variables

For more information, see usastatelo.txt.

edit usastatelo.txt

GT = readgeotable("usastatelo.shp");

See Also


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