Use Installed List of Placenames
geocodes the specified placenames by converting the placenames into shape objects that are
associated with the placenames. The output is a geospatial table that contains the
placenames and the shape objects. For more information about geocoding, see Geocoding.geocodedGT
= geocode(names
By default, the function finds matches for the specified placenames by searching an
installed list of world regions, US states, and world cities. To view the placenames in
the installed list, use the placenames
specifies the administration level for the placenames.geocodedGT
= geocode(names
Use Custom List of Placenames
uses a custom table of placenames and shape objects instead of the installed list of
placenames. This syntax searches for the placenames using the case-insensitive
= geocode(names
table variable. If the table does not have a
table variable, then the function searches the second table
specifies the table variable that contains the custom placenames.geocodedGT
= geocode(names
Additional Options
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments, in addition to any combination
of input arguments from the previous syntaxes. For example, specify whether to ignore case
by using the geocodedGT
= geocode(___,Name=Value
name-value argument.
Geocode World Regions
Geocode the world region of Europe. The output is a geospatial table that contains the placename and a shape object associated with the placename.
geocodedGT = geocode("Europe")
geocodedGT=1×2 table
Shape Name
____________ ________
geopolyshape "Europe"
When you geocode the name of a world region, the shape object is an area of interest (AOI) that depicts either a bounding box or an outline of the region. Display the boundary of the AOI on a map.
figure geobasemap satellite geoplot(geocodedGT,FaceColor="none",LineWidth=1.5,EdgeColor="w")
Geocode US States
Specify placenames for the states that comprise New England: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Then, geocode the placenames. The output is a geospatial table that contains the placenames and the shape objects associated with the placenames.
names = ["Maine","New Hampshire","Vermont","Massachusetts","Connecticut","Rhode Island"]; geocodedGT = geocode(names,"state")
geocodedGT=6×2 table
Shape Name
____________ _______________
geopolyshape "Maine"
geopolyshape "New Hampshire"
geopolyshape "Vermont"
geopolyshape "Massachusetts"
geopolyshape "Connecticut"
geopolyshape "Rhode Island"
When you geocode the names of US states, the shape objects are AOIs that depict the outlines of the states. Display the AOIs on a map.
geobasemap none
Geocode World Cities
Geocode all the world cities in the installed list of placenames. Then, clip the cities to an AOI.
Get the names of the world cities by using the placenames
names = placenames("city");
Geocode the placenames and view the first eight rows of the output table. When you geocode the names of world cities, the shape objects in the output table are points that depict the city locations.
geocodedGT = geocode(names,"city");
Shape Name _______________________ _____________ ( 5.2985°N, 3.9509°W) "Abidjan" (24.6525°N, 54.7589°E) "Abu Dhabi" ( 5.6106°N, 0.2121°W) "Accra" (37.0613°N, 35.3894°E) "Adana" ( 9.0235°N, 38.7575°E) "Addis Ababa" (34.6645°S, 138.8528°E) "Adelaide" (12.8767°N, 44.5408°E) "Aden" (22.7778°N, 72.2474°E) "Ahmadabad"
Prepare to clip the world cities by extracting the points from the table.
points = geocodedGT.Shape;
Get an AOI that depicts a bounding box for South America. Then, clip the world cities to the AOI. For more information about clipping shapes to AOIs, see Clip Vector Data to Area of Interest.
GT = geocode("South America");
aoi = GT.Shape;
clipped = geoclip(points,aoi);
Display the AOI and the clipped cities on a map.
figure geoplot(aoi,FaceColor="none") hold on geoplot(clipped)
Geocode Custom Placenames
Create a custom table of placenames by reading data from a file. Then, use the custom table to geocode a specified placename.
Create the custom table by reading data from a shapefile that contains placenames in Boston. The table stores the placenames in the NAME
variable and the locations of the placenames in the Shape
customNamesGT = readgeotable("boston_placenames.shp")
customNamesGT=13×4 table
______________________ ____________________ _____________ _________________
(234028.23, 900038.00) "'BACK BAY'" "PPL-SUBDVSN" "422100N0710515W"
(233569.77, 900190.06) "BACK BAY FENS" "MARSH" "422105N0710535W"
(235739.28, 901126.44) "BEACON HILL" "HILL" "422135N0710400W"
(236266.39, 900974.88) "BOSTON" "PPL" "422130N0710337W"
(235743.22, 900355.06) "BOSTON NECK" "PENINSULA" "422110N0710400W"
(234685.09, 901429.69) "BROAD CANAL" "CANAL" "422145N0710446W"
(232989.64, 901884.31) "CAMBRIDGE" "PPL" "422200N0710600W"
(236536.17, 901901.88) "COPPS HILL" "HILL" "422200N0710325W"
(234591.28, 901892.00) "'EAST CAMBRIDGE'" "PPL-SUBDVSN" "422200N0710450W"
(235741.66, 900663.62) "FLAGSTAFF HILL" "HILL" "422120N0710400W"
(237114.73, 900670.75) "FORT POINT CHANNEL" "CHANNEL" "422120N0710300W"
(235741.31, 900725.31) "FROG POND" "LAKE" "422122N0710400W"
(236548.23, 899587.88) "SOUTH BAY" "INLET" "422045N0710325W"
Specify the placenames of two hills in Boston. Then, geocode the placenames by searching the custom table. By default, the geocode
function searches for the placenames using the NAME
variable of the custom table.
names = ["BEACON HILL","COPPS HILL"]; geocodedGT = geocode(names,customNamesGT);
View the output table. When you pass a custom table of placenames to the geocode
function, the output table is a subset of the input table.
geocodedGT=2×4 table
______________________ _____________ _______ _________________
(235739.28, 901126.44) "BEACON HILL" "HILL" "422135N0710400W"
(236536.17, 901901.88) "COPPS HILL" "HILL" "422200N0710325W"
Geocode Custom Placenames Using Specified Table Variable
Create a custom table of placenames by reading data from a file. Then, geocode a specified placename by searching the specified table variable of placenames.
Create the custom table by reading data from a shapefile that contains tsunami events. The table stores the placenames in the Location
variable and the shape objects in the Shape
customNamesGT = readgeotable("tsunamis.shp",CoordinateSystemType="geographic"); head(customNamesGT)
Shape Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Val_Code Validity Cause_Code Cause Eq_Mag Country Location Max_Height Iida_Mag Intensity Num_Deaths Desc_Deaths _______________________ ____ _____ ___ ____ ______ ______ ________ _______________________ __________ ________________ ______ _________________ ________________________ __________ ________ _________ __________ ___________ ( 3.8000°S, 128.3000°E) 1950 10 8 3 23 NaN 2 "questionable tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 7.6 "INDONESIA" "JAVA TRENCH, INDONESIA" 2.8 1.5 1.5 0 0 (19.5000°N, 156.0000°W) 1951 8 21 10 57 NaN 4 "definite tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 6.9 "USA" "HAWAII" 3.6 1.8 NaN 0 0 ( 9.0200°S, 157.9500°E) 1951 12 22 0 0 NaN 2 "questionable tsunami" 6 "Volcano" NaN "SOLOMON ISLANDS" "KAVACHI" 6 2.6 NaN 0 0 (42.1500°N, 143.8500°E) 1952 3 4 1 22 41 4 "definite tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 8.1 "JAPAN" "SE. HOKKAIDO ISLAND" 6.5 2.7 2 33 1 (19.1000°N, 155.0000°W) 1952 3 17 3 58 NaN 4 "definite tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 4.5 "USA" "HAWAII" 1 NaN NaN 0 0 (43.1000°N, 82.4000°W) 1952 5 6 0 0 NaN 1 "very doubtful tsunami" 9 "Meteorological" NaN "USA" "LAKE HURON, MI" 1.52 NaN NaN 0 0 (52.7500°N, 159.5000°E) 1952 11 4 16 58 NaN 4 "definite tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 9 "RUSSIA" "KAMCHATKA" 18 4.2 4 2236 3 (50.0000°N, 156.5000°E) 1953 3 18 0 0 NaN 3 "probable tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 5.8 "RUSSIA" "N. KURIL ISLANDS" 1.5 0.6 NaN 0 0
Geocode the placename Hawaii
by searching the custom table. Specify the table variable containing the placenames as Location
name = "Hawaii"; geocodedGT = geocode(name,customNamesGT,"Location");
View the output table. When you pass a custom table of placenames to the geocode
function, the output table is a subset of the input table.
geocodedGT=3×19 table
Shape Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Val_Code Validity Cause_Code Cause Eq_Mag Country Location Max_Height Iida_Mag Intensity Num_Deaths Desc_Deaths
_______________________ ____ _____ ___ ____ ______ ______ ________ __________________ __________ __________________________ ______ _______ ________ __________ ________ _________ __________ ___________
(19.5000°N, 156.0000°W) 1951 8 21 10 57 NaN 4 "definite tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 6.9 "USA" "HAWAII" 3.6 1.8 NaN 0 0
(19.1000°N, 155.0000°W) 1952 3 17 3 58 NaN 4 "definite tsunami" 1 "Earthquake" 4.5 "USA" "HAWAII" 1 NaN NaN 0 0
(19.3340°N, 155.0240°W) 1975 11 29 14 47 40.4 4 "definite tsunami" 3 "Earthquake and Landslide" 7.1 "USA" "HAWAII" 14.3 3 3 2 1
Input Arguments
— Placenames
string scalar | vector of strings | character vector | cell array of character vectors
Placenames, specified as a string scalar, a vector of strings, a character vector, or a cell array of character vectors.
By default, the function searches an installed list of placenames. To view the
installed list of placenames, use the placenames
— Administration level
| "state"
| "city"
Administration level, specified as one of these options:
— World regions"state"
— US states and the District of Columbia"city"
— World cities
To view the installed list of placenames for each administration level, use the
— Custom placenames and shapes
geospatial table
Custom placenames and shapes, specified as a geospatial table. For more information about geospatial tables, see Create Geospatial Tables.
must contain these table variables:
variable that specifies the point, line, or polygon shapes.A variable that specifies the custom placenames. This variable must contain text data.
By default, the function searches for the specified placenames using the
case-insensitive name
table variable. If the table does not have a
variable, or has more than one name
variable, then the function uses the second table variable. You can specify which table
variable to search by using the namevar
— Table variable containing custom placenames
string scalar | character vector | pattern
object | numeric scalar | logical vector | vartype()
Table variable containing the custom placenames, specified using one of these indexing schemes. The table variable must contain text data.
Indexing Scheme | Examples |
Variable name:
Variable index:
Variable type:
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: geocode(names,IgnoreCase=false)
does not ignore case when
comparing names
to the list of placenames.
— Use partial string matching
or 1
(default) | false
or 0
Use partial string matching, specified as a numeric or logical
) or 0
— Use partial string matching when comparingnames
to the list of placenames. This option supports partial matching of leading characters.false
— Do not use partial string matching when comparingnames
to the list of placenames.
— Ignore case
or 1
(default) | false
or 0
Ignore case, specified as a numeric or logical 1
) or 0
— Ignore case when comparingnames
to the list of placenames.false
— Do not ignore case when comparingnames
to the list of placenames.
Output Arguments
— Geocoded placenames and shapes
geospatial table
Geocoded placenames and shapes, returned as a geospatial table. The geospatial table
contains a row for each matched placename in names
When you use the installed list of placenames, the geospatial table contains two variables:
— Shape of the matched placename, returned as ageopolyshape
object. The type of object depends on the administration level of the matched placename.When the function matches the placename to a region, the shape is a
object that depicts either a bounding box or an outline of the region.When the function matches the placename to a state, the shape is a
object that depicts an outline of the state.When the function matches the placename to a city, the shape is a
object that depicts the location of the city.
— Matched placename, returned as a string scalar.
When you use a custom table of placenames by specifying the
argument, the output geospatial table is a subset
of the custom table. As a result, the output geospatial table has the same table
variables as the custom table.
More About
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses
or other locations into geographic coordinates. The geocode
represents geocoded placenames using point, line, and polygon shape objects.
When you use the installed list of placenames and do not specify the
argument, the function searches for a specified placename
using this strategy:
Search the list of supported regions for the placename.
If the placename does not match a supported region, then search the list of supported states.
If the placename does not match a supported state, then search the list of supported cities.
For example, this code matches the state of New York and not the city of New York.
geocode("New York")
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
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