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Record audio to audiorecorder object; hold control until recording completes


recordblocking(recorderObj, length)


recordblocking(recorderObj, length) records audio from an input device, such as a microphone connected to your system, for the number of seconds specified by length. The recordblocking method does not return control until recording completes. recorderObj is an audiorecorder object that defines the sample rate, bit depth, and other properties of the recording.


Record 5 seconds of your speech with a microphone, and play it back:

myVoice = audiorecorder;

disp('Start speaking.');
recordblocking(myVoice, 5);
disp('End of recording. Playing back ...');



  • Note

    Security Considerations When Using MATLAB® Online™ or MATLAB Web App Server™: When using recordblocking in MATLAB Online or MATLAB Web App Server, recording continues when you switch browser tabs.

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