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Delaunay triangulation in 2-D and 3-D


Use the delaunayTriangulation object to create a 2-D or 3-D Delaunay triangulation from a set of points. For 2-D data, you can also specify edge constraints.

You can perform a variety of topological and geometric queries on a delaunayTriangulation, including any triangulation query. For example, locate a facet that contains a specific point, find the vertices of the convex hull, or compute the Voronoi Diagram.


To create a delaunayTriangulation object, use the delaunayTriangulation function with input arguments that define the triangulation's points and constrained edges.


DT = delaunayTriangulation(P) creates a Delaunay triangulation from the points in P. The matrix P has 2 or 3 columns, depending on whether your points are in 2-D or 3-D space.


DT = delaunayTriangulation(P,C) specifies the edge constraints in the matrix C for the 2-D points in P. Each row of C defines the start and end vertex IDs of a constrained edge. Vertex IDs are the row numbers of the corresponding vertices in the property DT.Points.

DT = delaunayTriangulation(x,y) creates a 2-D Delaunay triangulation from the point coordinates in the column vectors x and y.

DT = delaunayTriangulation(x,y,C) specifies the edge constraints in a matrix C.

DT = delaunayTriangulation(x,y,z) creates a 3-D Delaunay triangulation from the point coordinates in the column vectors x, y, and z.


DT = delaunayTriangulation() creates an empty Delaunay triangulation.

Input Arguments

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Points, specified as a matrix whose columns are the x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and (possibly) z-coordinates of the triangulation points. The row numbers of P are the vertex IDs in the triangulation.

x-coordinates of triangulation points, specified as a column vector.

y-coordinates of triangulation points, specified as a column vector.

z-coordinates of triangulation points, specified as a column vector.

Vertex IDs of constrained edges, specified as a 2-column matrix. Each row of C corresponds to a constrained edge and contains two IDs:

  • C(j,1) is the ID of the vertex at the start of an edge.

  • C(j,2) is the ID of the vertex at end of the edge.

You can specify edge constraints for 2-D triangulations only.


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Points in the triangulation, represented as a matrix with the following characteristics:

  • Each row in DT.Points contains the coordinates of a vertex.

  • Each row number of DT.Points is a vertex ID.

Triangulation connectivity list, represented as a matrix with the following characteristics:

  • Each element in DT.ConnectivityList is a vertex ID.

  • Each row represents a triangle or tetrahedron in the triangulation.

  • Each row number of DT.ConnectivityList is a triangle or tetrahedron ID.

Constrained edges, represented as a 2-column matrix of vertex IDs. Each row of DT.Constraints corresponds to a constrained edge and contains two IDs:

  • DT.Constraints(j,1) is the ID of the vertex at the start of an edge.

  • DT.Constraints(j,2) is the ID of the vertex at end of the edge.

DT.Constraints is an empty matrix when the triangulation has no constrained edges.

Object Functions

convexHullConvex hull of Delaunay triangulation
isInterior Query points inside Delaunay triangulation
voronoiDiagramVoronoi diagram of Delaunay triangulation
barycentricToCartesianConvert coordinates from barycentric to Cartesian
cartesianToBarycentricConvert coordinates from Cartesian to barycentric
circumcenterCircumcenter of triangle or tetrahedron
edgeAttachmentsTriangles or tetrahedra attached to specified edge
edgesTriangulation edges
faceNormalTriangulation unit normal vectors
featureEdgesSharp edges of surface triangulation
freeBoundaryFree boundary facets
incenterIncenter of triangulation elements
isConnectedTest if two vertices are connected by an edge
nearestNeighborVertex closest to specified point
neighborsTriangle or tetrahedron neighbors
pointLocationTriangle or tetrahedron enclosing point
sizeSize of triangulation connectivity list
vertexAttachmentsTriangles or tetrahedra attached to vertex
vertexNormalTriangulation vertex normal


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Create a 2-D delaunayTriangulation object for 30 random points.

rng default;
P = rand([30 2]);
DT = delaunayTriangulation(P)
DT = 
  delaunayTriangulation with properties:

              Points: [30x2 double]
    ConnectivityList: [48x3 double]
         Constraints: []

Compute the center points of each triangle, and plot the triangulation with the center points.

IC = incenter(DT);
hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Create a 3-D delaunayTriangulation object for 30 random points.

rng default;
x = rand([30 1]);
y = rand([30 1]);
z = rand([30 1]);
DT = delaunayTriangulation(x,y,z)
DT = 
  delaunayTriangulation with properties:

              Points: [30x3 double]
    ConnectivityList: [102x4 double]
         Constraints: []

Plot the triangulation.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 102 objects of type patch.

Compute and plot the convex hull of the triangulation.

[K,v] = convexHull(DT);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type patch.

More About

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  • delaunayTriangulation can produce incorrect or inconsistent results when boundary constraints intersect or overlap. To avoid this behavior, use constraints that form one or multiple closed boundaries that do not intersect or overlap.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2013a