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Class: matlab.System

Information about System object


infoStruct = infoImpl(obj)


infoStruct = infoImpl(obj) specifies information about the current configuration of a System object™. This information is returned in a struct from the info object function. The default infoImpl method, which is used if you do not include infoImpl in your class definition file, returns an empty struct.

Run-Time Details

infoImpl is called by the info object function.

Method Authoring Tips

You must set Access = protected for this method.

Input Arguments

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System object handle used to access properties, states, and methods specific to the object. If your infoImpl method does not use the object, you can replace this input with ~.

Output Arguments

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Information about the System object's current configuration returned as a struct.


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Define the infoImpl method to return current count information.

methods (Access = protected)
   function s = infoImpl(obj)
      s = struct('Count',obj.Count);

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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