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Object (H5O)

Objects in file


Use the MATLAB® HDF5 object interface, H5O, to handle and access information about HDF5 objects.



Determine whether flushes of metadata entries are disabled

tf = H5O.are_mdc_flushes_disabled(objID) returns logical 1 (true) if the HDF5 object specified by objID has had flushes of metadata disabled, and logical 0 (false) if it has not.


Close object

H5O.close(objID) closes the object objID. The input objID cannot be a dataspace, attribute, property list, or file.


Copy object from source location to destination location

H5O.copy(srcID,srcname,destID,destname,ocplID,lcplID) copies the dataset, group, or committed datatype specified by srcname from the file or group specified by srcID to the destination location destID.



Prevent metadata entries for an object from being flushed

H5O.disable_mdc_flushes(objID) prevents metadata entries for an HDF5 object identified by objID from being flushed from the metadata cache to storage by the usual cache eviction/flush policy.

Instead, you must manually flush the cache or entries for individual objects using the appropriate function:

  • H5F.flush

  • H5D.flush

  • H5G.flush

  • H5O.flush

  • H5T.flush


Allow metadata entries for an object to be flushed

H5O.enable_mdc_flushes(objID) allows the dirty metadata entries of an object or cache objID to be flushed from the cache by the usual cache eviction/flush policy. The input object identifier must be the identifier of a dataset, group, or committed datatype.


Flush all data buffers to disk

H5O.flush(objID) causes all buffers associated with the object objID to be immediately flushed to disk without removing the data from the cache. The objID can be any named object associated with a file including a dataset, a group, or a committed datatype.


Get comment for object specified by object identifier

comment = H5O.get_comment(objID) retrieves the comment for the object specified by objID.


Get comment for object location and object name

comment = H5O.get_comment_by_name(locID,objname,laplID) retrieves a comment where a location id and name together specify the object. A link access property list can affect the outcome if a link is traversed to access the object.


Object metadata

info = H5O.get_info(objID) retrieves the metadata for an object specified by objID. For details about the object metadata, please refer to the HDF5 documentation.


Object metadata from specified fields

info = H5O.get_info2(objID,fields) retrieves the metadata for an object specified by objID using the parameter fields.

If you are encountering performance issues using H5O.get_info, using H5O.get_info2 can help improve performance.


Create hard link to specified object,locID,linkname,lcplID,laplID) creates a hard link to an object specified by objIDwhere locID and linkname specify the location. is designed to add additional structure to an existing file so that, for example, an object can be shared among multiple groups.


Open specified object

objID =,relname,laplID) opens an object specified by objID and relative path name relname.



Open object specified by index

objID = H5O.open_by_idx(locID,groupName,idxtype,order,n,laplID) opens the object at index n in the group specified by locID and groupName.



Clear and reload all data buffers

H5O.refresh(objID) causes all buffers associated with the object objID to be cleared and immediately reloaded with updated contents from disk. This function essentially closes the object, evicts all metadata associated with it from the cache, and then reopens the object. The reopened object is automatically re-registered with the same identifier. The objID can be any named object associated with a file including a dataset, a group, or a committed datatype.


Set comment for object specified by object identifier

H5O.set_comment(objID,comment) sets a comment for the object specified by objID.


Set comment for object specified by location and object name

H5O.set_comment_by_name(objID,relname,comment,laplID) sets a comment for an object specified by objID and relative name relname. The link access property list identifier, laplID, can affect the outcome if links are traversed.


Recursively iterate through objects in group or file specified by identifier

[status,opdataOut] = H5O.visit(objID,idxtype,order,fnc,opdataIn) recursively iterates through all objects in and below the group or file specified by objID to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc.



Recursively iterate through objects in group or file specified by identifier

[status,opdataOut] = H5O.visit2(objID,idxtype,order,fnc,opdataIn,fields) recursively visits all objects accessible from object objID using the flags specified in fields, and executes the function fnc on each object in objID.

If you are encountering performance issues using H5O.visit, using H5O.visit2 can help improve performance.



Recursively iterate through objects in group or file specified by location and group name

[status,opdataOut] = H5O.visit_by_name(locID,objname,idxtype,order,fnc,opdataIn,laplID) recursively iterates though all objects in and below the group or file to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc. The starting point of the iteration is determined by a location identifier and a relative object name. A link access property list, laplID, may affect the outcome depending upon the type of link being traversed.



Recursively iterate through objects in group or file specified by location and group name

[status,opdataOut] = H5O.visit_by_name2(locID,objname,idxtype,order,fnc,opdataIn,fields,laplID) recursively iterates though all objects in and below the group or file to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc. The starting point of the iteration is determined by a location identifier and a relative object name. A link access property list, laplID, may affect the outcome depending upon the type of link being traversed.

If you are encountering performance issues using H5O.visit_by_name, using H5O.visit_by_name2 can help improve performance.



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Copy the group "/g3" and all its datasets to a new group "/g3.5".

srcFile = [matlabroot "/toolbox/matlab/demos/example.h5"];
ocpl = H5P.create("H5P_OBJECT_COPY");
lcpl = H5P.create("H5P_LINK_CREATE");
fid ="myfile.h5","H5F_ACC_RDWR","H5P_DEFAULT");
gid =,"/");
fid ="example.h5");
objID =,"g3","H5P_DEFAULT");

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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