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Resume execution of suspended program


    uiresume resumes program execution that a corresponding uiwait call associated with the current figure (gcf) suspended.

    uiresume(f) resumes program execution that a corresponding uiwait call associated with figure f suspended.



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    Create a push button and wait until the user presses it. Then display a message.

    Create a push button with the text Continue and a callback that calls the uiresume function when you click it. When program execution begins, display a message in the Command Window. Pause program execution until you click Continue or close the figure window. Then display a new message.

    fig = uifigure;
    btn = uibutton(fig);
    btn.Text = 'Continue';
    btn.ButtonPushedFcn = 'uiresume(fig)';
    disp('This text prints immediately');
    disp('This text prints after you click Continue');

    A "Continue" button display in the lower left corner of a figure window."

    Create an alert dialog box and wait until it receives a response before allowing program execution to continue.

    Create a line plot in a UI figure and display an alert dialog box. Specify a CloseFcn callback for the dialog box that calls uiresume on the figure when the dialog box receives a response. Pause program execution until you click OK in the dialog box or close it. When program execution resumes, display a message in the Command Window.

    To run this function, save it to a file named resumeInFunction.m on the MATLAB path. Run resumeInFunction, and then click the push button. MATLAB displays a message in the Command Window.

    function resumeInFunction
        fig = uifigure;
        fig.Position = [500 500 500 350]; 
        ax = uiaxes(fig);
        uialert(fig,'A line plot was created in the axes.', ...
            'Program Information','Icon','info','CloseFcn',@alertCallback)
        disp('Program execution resumed')
        function alertCallback(src,event)

    A 2-D line plot with an alert titled "Program Information" that reads, "A line plot was created on the axes."

    For more information about specifying input arguments for callbacks, see Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically.

    Input Arguments

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    Figure object, specified as a Figure object. Create the object by using either the figure or uifigure function.

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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