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Display and Volume Rendering
2-D and 3-D medical image display, volume rendering
Medical Imaging Toolbox™ provides tools to visualize 2-D and 3-D medical image data. Interactively display medical images in the Medical Image Labeler app, which automatically orients images in the anterior/posterior, left/right, and inferior/superior directions. Use volume rendering to visualize volumes in 3-D using display presets or customized display settings. You can also publish snapshot images and animations. To get started, see Choose Approach for Medical Image Visualization.
Medical Image Labeler | Interactively explore, label, and publish animations of 2-D or 3-D medical image data (Since R2022b) |
- Choose Approach for Medical Image Visualization
Discover tools for viewing 2-D images, multiframe image series, and 3-D image volumes.
- Visualize 3-D Medical Image Data Using Medical Image Labeler
Interactively explore and export snapshots and animations of medical image data.