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Manage Add-Ons

The MATLAB® Production Server™ Add-On Explorer provides a graphical interface to find, install, and manage MATLAB Production Server add-ons. It requires MATLAB Client for MATLAB Production Server. To open MATLAB Production Server Add-On Explorer, enter prodserver.addon.Explorer at the MATLAB command prompt.

MATLAB Production Server Add-On Explorer app

  • The Servers section lets you add and remove MATLAB Production Server instances from which you can install add-ons, check server status, and configure access control for executing deployed applications.

  • The Add-Ons section provides options to install and remove MATLAB Production Server add-ons, view help text for the add-ons, and manage add-ons using the MATLAB Add-On Manager.

  • The Servers and Add-Ons section lists the add-ons grouped by server.

Install Add-Ons

Installing MATLAB Production Server add-ons in your MATLAB desktop environment allows you to use the functions from an archive deployed to a MATLAB Production Server instance in MATLAB. You must add information about the server instances before you can install add-ons from them.

Add Server

  1. In the Servers section of MATLAB Production Server Add-on Explorer, click New.

  2. Enter the host name of the server in the Host box. Use a name such as localhost or, or a numeric address such as

  3. Enter the port number in the Port box. Port numbers are integers between 1 and 65535.

  4. Select the protocol, HTTP or HTTPS, that the server uses. You can find which protocol a server expects by examining the MATLAB Production Server configuration file main_config or by making a request to the GET Discovery Information from a browser.

  5. Select Add server even if unavailable, only if you want to add a server that is not yet available. You might do this if you plan to start the server later.

  6. Click OK to add the server.

MATLAB Production Server Address dialog box complete with server instance information

To check the server status, select the server from the Servers and Add-Ons section, then click Check Status.

To remove a server, select the server from the Servers and Add-Ons section, then click Remove. Removing a server also removes the add-ons installed from the server.

Install Add-On

After you add a server, the Servers and Add-Ons section lists the server and the MATLAB Production Server add-ons that can communicate with the server. If you add multiple servers, this sections lists all the servers and the add-ons that can communicate with each server, grouped under the server that hosts them.

To install an add-on, select the add-on from the Servers and Add-Ons section, then click Install in the Add-Ons section.

The following graphic shows a server instance running at http:localhost:64692 that has the mpsTestdata and the fractal add-ons available. The check mark indicates that the mpsTestdata add-on is installed on the client machine.

Servers and Add-Ons section listing the installed server

For information about installing add-ons from the MATLAB command prompt, see prodserver.addon.install.

For information about executing deployed applications using the installed add-ons, see Execute Deployed MATLAB Functions and Execute Deployed Functions Using HTTPS.

Remove Add-Ons

To remove add-ons, select them from the Servers and Add-Ons section, then click Remove from the Add-Ons section. Functions from removed add-ons are no longer available to MATLAB.

For information about uninstalling add-ons from the MATLAB command prompt, see prodserver.addon.uninstall.

Get Information about Add-Ons

To view information about an add-on, select the add-on from the Servers and Add-Ons section, then click Help from the Add-Ons section. Add-Ons do not need to be installed for you to browse their help.

Select a function to view the help text written by the function author.

The following graphic shows the help text for the mandelbrot function present in the fractal add-on.

MATAB Production Server Add-On Help Browser

Manage Add-Ons

After you install a MATLAB Production Server add-on, the MATLAB Add-On Manager lists it. You can perform tasks such as enabling, disabling and uninstalling the add-on, and viewing add-on details.

Removing an add-on from the MATLAB Production Server Add-On Explorer is equivalent to uninstalling from the MATLAB Add-On Manager.

Disabling an add-on removes the add-on from the MATLAB path.

The following graphic shows the mpsTestData add-on in the MATLAB Add-On Manager.

MATLAB Add-On Manager showing the newly installed mpsTestData add-on

Manage Access to Applications Deployed on Server

If a client program that you write using MATLAB Client for MATLAB Production Server wants to execute applications deployed to a server that has application access control enabled, the client must send a bearer token in server requests. The bearer token identifies the client. To specify a bearer token, select the server from the Servers and Add-Ons section, then click Config in the Servers section. For more information on how to specify bearer tokens, see Application Access Control.

For information about specifying a bearer token from the MATLAB command prompt, see prodserver.addon.accessTokenPolicy.

See Also

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