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Measure fall time of time domain signal

Since R2020b


Tf = timeDomainSignal2FallTime(Tin,Vin,RefLevel) returns the fall time of the time domain input signal represented by [Tin, Vin].



collapse all

Determine the fall time of a time domain signal.

load tin.mat;
load xin.mat;
plot (t,x)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

RefLevel = [20 80];
Tf = timeDomainSignal2FallTime(t,x,RefLevel)
Tf = 4×1
10-8 ×


Input Arguments

collapse all

Sample time points in the signal of interest, specified as a vector of the same length as Vin.

Data Types: double

Signal values at the sample time points defined in Tin, specified as a vector of the same length as Tin.

Data Types: double

Reference levels to calculate fall time as a percentage of waveform amplitude, specified as a 2-element row vector of positive values. The reference levels must be in increasing order.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Fall time of the input signal, returned as a vector of the same length as the number of falling edges in the signal.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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