creates a deep copy of the planner object with the same properties.plannerCopy
= copy(planner
Create Copy of plannerControlRRT Object
Create an occupancy map from an example map and set the map resolution as 10 cells/meter.
load("exampleMaps","ternaryMap") map = occupancyMap(ternaryMap,10);
Create the state propagator using the map. By default, the state propagator uses a bicycle kinematic model.
propagator = mobileRobotPropagator(Environment=map);
Set the state bounds on the state space based on the map world limits.
propagator.StateSpace.StateBounds(1:2,:) = ...
[map.XWorldLimits; map.YWorldLimits];
Create a plannerControlRRT
planner = plannerControlRRT(propagator)
planner = plannerControlRRT with properties: StatePropagator: [1x1 mobileRobotPropagator] ContinueAfterGoalReached: 0 MaxPlanningTime: Inf MaxNumTreeNode: 10000 MaxNumIteration: 10000 NumGoalExtension: 1 GoalBias: 0.1000 GoalReachedFcn: @plannerControlRRT.GoalReachedDefault
Create a copy of the plannerControlRRT
plannerNew = copy(planner)
plannerNew = plannerControlRRT with properties: StatePropagator: [1x1 mobileRobotPropagator] ContinueAfterGoalReached: 0 MaxPlanningTime: Inf MaxNumTreeNode: 10000 MaxNumIteration: 10000 NumGoalExtension: 1 GoalBias: 0.1000 GoalReachedFcn: @plannerControlRRT.GoalReachedDefault
Input Arguments
— Path planner
Path planner, specified as a plannerControlRRT
Output Arguments
— Copy of path planner
Copy of path planner, returned as a plannerControlRRT
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2021b
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