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(Not recommended) Error estimates for adaptation

pdejmps is not recommended. Use meshes represented as FEMesh objects instead of [p,e,t] meshes. For more information, see Version History.


errf = pdejmps(p,t,c,a,f,u,alpha,beta,m) calculates the error indication function used for mesh adaptation. The columns of errf correspond to triangles, and the rows correspond to the equations in the PDE system.

The function computes the error indicator E(K) for each triangle K as


where nτ is the unit normal of edge τ and the braced term is the jump in flux across the element edge. Here, α and β are weight indices, and m is an order parameter. The norm is an L2 norm computed over the element K.



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Solve the Laplace equation over a circle sector, with Dirichlet boundary conditions u = cos(2/3atan2(y,x)) along the arc and u = 0 along the straight lines. Use the original coarser mesh and the refined mesh, and calculate the error indication function in both cases.

Generate and plot a mesh for the circle sector geometry.

[p,e,t] = initmesh('cirsg');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Solve the Laplace equation.

u = assempde('cirsb',p,e,t,1,0,0);

Calculate the error indication function for each mesh triangle. Use the weight indices α=0.15, β=0.15, and the order parameter m = 1.

alpha = 0.15;
beta = 0.15;
m = 1;
errf = pdejmps(p,t,1,0,0,u,alpha,beta,m);

Find the maximum value of the error indication function.

ans = 

Refine the original mesh and plot the result.

[p,e,t] = refinemesh('cirsg',p,e,t);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Solve the same equation on the refined mesh, and calculate the error indication function for each mesh triangle. Use the same values for the weight indices and the order parameter.

u = assempde('cirsb',p,e,t,1,0,0);
errf = pdejmps(p,t,1,0,0,u,alpha,beta,m);

Find the maximum value of the error indication function.

ans = 

Solve the same equation using the adaptmesh function.

[u,p,e,t] = adaptmesh('cirsg','cirsb',1,0,0);
Number of triangles: 197
Number of triangles: 201
Number of triangles: 216
Number of triangles: 233
Number of triangles: 254
Number of triangles: 265
Number of triangles: 313
Number of triangles: 344
Number of triangles: 417
Number of triangles: 475
Number of triangles: 629

Maximum number of refinement passes obtained.

Plot the mesh.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Calculate the error indication function for each mesh triangle.

errf = pdejmps(p,t,1,0,0,u,alpha,beta,m);

Find the maximum value of the error indication function.

ans = 

Input Arguments

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Mesh node points, specified as a 2-by-Np matrix of points (nodes), where Np is the number of nodes in the mesh. For details on mesh data representation, see initmesh.

Data Types: double

Mesh elements, specified as a 4-by-Nt matrix of triangles, where Nt is the number of triangles in the mesh. For details on mesh data representation, see initmesh.

Data Types: double

PDE coefficient, specified as a scalar, matrix, character vector, character array, string scalar, string vector, or coefficient function. c represents the c coefficient in the scalar PDE


or in the system of PDEs


The coefficients c, a, and f can depend on the solution u if you use the nonlinear solver by setting the value of 'Nonlin' to 'on'. The coefficients cannot be functions of the time t.

Example: 'cosh(x+y.^2)'

Data Types: double | char | string | function_handle

PDE coefficient, specified as a scalar, matrix, character vector, character array, string scalar, string vector, or coefficient function. a represents the a coefficient in the scalar PDE


or in the system of PDEs


The coefficients c, a, and f can depend on the solution u if you use the nonlinear solver by setting the value of 'Nonlin' to 'on'. The coefficients cannot be functions of the time t.

Example: 2*eye(3)

Data Types: double | char | string | function_handle

PDE coefficient, specified as a scalar, matrix, character vector, character array, string scalar, string vector, or coefficient function. f represents the f coefficient in the scalar PDE


or in the system of PDEs


The coefficients c, a, and f can depend on the solution u if you use the nonlinear solver by setting the value of 'Nonlin' to 'on'. The coefficients cannot be functions of the time t.

Example: char('sin(x)';'cos(y)';'tan(z)')

Data Types: double | char | string | function_handle

PDE solution, specified as a vector.

  • If the PDE is scalar, meaning that it has only one equation, then u is a column vector representing the solution u at each node in the mesh.

  • If the PDE is a system of N > 1 equations, then u is a column vector with N*Np elements, where Np is the number of nodes in the mesh. The first Np elements of u represent the solution of equation 1, the next Np elements represent the solution of equation 2, and so on.

Weight index, specified as number.

Data Types: double

Weight index, specified as a number.

Data Types: double

Order parameter, specified as number.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Error indicator, returned as a matrix with the number of columns equal to the number of triangles t and the number of rows equal to the number of PDEs in the system.

  • Each matrix row corresponds to an equation in the PDE system.

  • Each column corresponds to a triangle.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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R2016a: pdejmps is not recommended

pdejmps and [p,e,t] meshes are not recommended. Use meshes represented as FEMesh objects instead. There are no plans to remove pdejmps and [p,e,t] meshes.

Starting in R2016a, use the generateMesh function to create meshes as FEMesh objects. For details about these meshes, see Mesh Data.

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