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Perturbations defined on array

Since R2022a


perts = perturbations(array) returns a table of all allowed perturbations perts defined for the array. This table contains a list of all properties that can be perturbed, the probability type of applied perturbation, and the parameters of the probability type.

perts = perturbations(array,prop) lets you view the current perturbation defined for the array property prop.


perts = perturbations(array,prop,'None') specifies that the property prop is not perturbed.

perts = perturbations(array,prop,'Normal',mean,sigma) specifies that the perturbation is drawn from a normal probability distribution defined by its mean and standard deviation sigma. To use this syntax, set prop to 'ElementPositions', 'TaperMagnitude', or 'TaperPhase'.


perts = perturbations(array,prop,'Uniform',minval,maxval) specifies that the perturbation is drawn from a uniform probability distribution with a range defined by the interval [minval,maxval]. To use this syntax, set prop to 'ElementPositions', 'TaperMagnitude', or 'TaperPhase'.

perts = perturbations(array,prop,'RandomFail',failprob) specifies that the perturbation is a mask indicating whether an element is functioning based on the element fail property failprob. To use this syntax, set prop to 'ElementFailure'.


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Create an 8-by-3 uniform rectangular array (URA). The array operates at 300 MHz and its elements are spaced one-half wavelength apart.

freq = 300.0e6;
lambda = physconst('Lightspeed')/freq;
d = lambda/2;
array = phased.URA(8,3,ElementSpacing=[d,d]);

Initially, there are no perturbations to the array.

perts = perturbations(array)
perts=4×3 table
         Property            Type            Value       
    ___________________    ________    __________________

    {'ElementPosition'}    {'None'}    {[NaN]}    {[NaN]}
    {'TaperMagnitude' }    {'None'}    {[NaN]}    {[NaN]}
    {'TaperPhase'     }    {'None'}    {[NaN]}    {[NaN]}
    {'ElementFailure' }    {'None'}    {[NaN]}    {[NaN]}

Randomly perturb the element positions according to a normal distribution. Use a position variance of 16th of a wavelength.

perts = perturbations(array,'ElementPosition','Normal',0,lambda/16)
perts=4×3 table
         Property             Type               Value        
    ___________________    __________    _____________________

    {'ElementPosition'}    {'Normal'}    {[  0]}    {[0.0625]}
    {'TaperMagnitude' }    {'None'  }    {[NaN]}    {[   NaN]}
    {'TaperPhase'     }    {'None'  }    {[NaN]}    {[   NaN]}
    {'ElementFailure' }    {'None'  }    {[NaN]}    {[   NaN]}

Then perturb the magnitude of the element weights according to a normal distribution with a mean value of 0.1 and a variance of 0.02.

perts = perturbations(array,'TaperMagnitude','Normal',0.1,0.02)
perts=4×3 table
         Property             Type                Value          
    ___________________    __________    ________________________

    {'ElementPosition'}    {'Normal'}    {[     0]}    {[0.0625]}
    {'TaperMagnitude' }    {'Normal'}    {[0.1000]}    {[0.0200]}
    {'TaperPhase'     }    {'None'  }    {[   NaN]}    {[   NaN]}
    {'ElementFailure' }    {'None'  }    {[   NaN]}    {[   NaN]}

Perturb the phase of the element weights according to a uniform distribution between -π3 and π3 degrees.

perts = perturbations(array,'TaperPhase','Uniform',-pi/3,pi/3)
perts=4×3 table
         Property             Type                  Value          
    ___________________    ___________    _________________________

    {'ElementPosition'}    {'Normal' }    {[      0]}    {[0.0625]}
    {'TaperMagnitude' }    {'Normal' }    {[ 0.1000]}    {[0.0200]}
    {'TaperPhase'     }    {'Uniform'}    {[-1.0472]}    {[1.0472]}
    {'ElementFailure' }    {'None'   }    {[    NaN]}    {[   NaN]}

Set a 20% percent failure rate for the elements.

perts = perturbations(array,'ElementFailure','RandomFail',0.2)
perts=4×3 table
         Property               Type                   Value          
    ___________________    ______________    _________________________

    {'ElementPosition'}    {'Normal'    }    {[      0]}    {[0.0625]}
    {'TaperMagnitude' }    {'Normal'    }    {[ 0.1000]}    {[0.0200]}
    {'TaperPhase'     }    {'Uniform'   }    {[-1.0472]}    {[1.0472]}
    {'ElementFailure' }    {'RandomFail'}    {[ 0.2000]}    {[   NaN]}

Input Arguments

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Phased array, specified as a Phased Array System Toolbox System object.

Perturbed property of array, specified as 'ElementPosition', 'TaperMagnitude', 'TaperPhase', or 'ElementFailure'.

Example: 'TaperPhase'

Data Types: string

Mean value of normal distribution, specified as a scalar. Units depend on the property prop.


Example: 12


To enable this argument, set the perturbed array property prop to 'ElementPosition', 'TaperMagnitude', or 'TaperPhase' and the perturbation type to 'Normal'.

Data Types: double

Standard deviation of normal distribution, specified as a positive scalar. Units depend on the property prop.


Example: 1.0


To enable this argument, set the perturbed array property prop to 'ElementPosition', 'TaperMagnitude', or 'TaperPhase' and the perturbation type to 'Normal'.

Data Types: double

Minimum value of range of uniform probability distribution, specified as a scalar. When applied to the 'TaperPhase' property. the difference between minval and maxval should be less than or equal to 2π. Units depend on the property prop.


Example: 0


To enable this argument, set the perturbed array property prop to 'ElementPosition', 'TaperMagnitude', or 'TaperPhase' and the perturbation type to 'Uniform'.

Data Types: double

Maximum value of range of uniform probability distribution

Example: 1


Maximum value of range of uniform probability distribution, specified as a scalar. When applied to the 'TaperPhase' property. the difference between minval and maxval should be less than or equal to 2π. Units depend on the property prop.


Data Types: double

Probability of failure, specified as a non-negative scalar greater than or equal to zero and less than one. Zero means that the elements will never fail. Otherwise, there is a some probability of failure.

Example: 0.01


To enable this argument, set the array property prop to 'ElementFailure' and the perturbation type to 'RandomFail'.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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List of possible perturbations, returned as a MATLAB table. See Perturbed properties and perturbation types for a list of perturbations properties and types.

Data Types: table

More About

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Perturbed properties and perturbation types

You can perturb the array by selecting one of the properties to be perturbed and then applying the type of perturbation. Each type of perturbation has specific arguments.

PropertyPerturbation TypeArguments
mean, sigma
minval, maxval
mean, sigma
minval, maxval
mean, sigma
minval, maxval

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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