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Troubleshoot Issues with Database Connection Limits


You upload results to the Polyspace® Access™ database and the upload fails with an error message that contains something similar to this in the log of the Polyspace Access DB:

Polyspace Access database exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too 
many clients already

You can view the log by clicking Polyspace Access in the Cluster Dashboard and then Show Logs. To view the log at the command line, run this command on the machine where the Polyspace Access database is running:

docker logs -t polyspace-access-db-0-main   

Possible Solutions

Polyspace Access uses a PostgreSQL database that accepts a maximum of 100 concurrent connections by default. To change the maximum number of connections:

  1. Open the database configuration file, typically named postgresql.conf in an editor.

    The configuration file is stored in the folder path that you specify for the Polyspace Access database Data volume setting. By default, the path is <polyspaceroot>/appdata/polyspace-access/db, where <polyspaceroot> is the folder where you installed Polyspace Access.

  2. Set the max_connections setting to a higher number, for example max_connections = 200 # (change requires restart)

    Accessing and editing the postgresql.conf file might require superuser privileges.

  3. Restart the Polyspace Access services by pressing Restart Apps in the Cluster Admin dashboard.

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