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Troubleshoot Uploads to Polyspace Access That Exceed Size Limit


You upload analysis results to Polyspace® Access™, and one of these two things happen:

  • The upload completes but might take a long time, and you see a warning message similar to this:

      Number of uploaded findings exceeds preconfigured limit

  • The upload fails and you see an error message similar to this:

      Upload to Polyspace Access failed with message: 'In Corrupted Folder, Hard Limit Reached'

Possible Solutions

Adjust Checkers Selection in Project Configuration

The Polyspace Access server has a preconfigured (soft) limit for how many findings you can upload per run, with a default limit of 100,000 findings. Uploading a number of findings that exceeds that limit might impact the performance of the Polyspace Access server.

If your analysis results contain more findings than this preconfigured soft limit, consider adjusting the checkers selection in your project configuration to focus on a smaller subset of checkers. For instance, you might try deselecting Code Metrics checks and low impact Bug Finder defect checks.

To adjust the checkers selection, see:

Override Size Limits for Uploads

The Polyspace Access server has a hard limit for how many findings you can upload per run, with a default limit of 500,000 findings. If you attempt to upload a run with a number of findings that exceeds this hard limit, the upload fails. This limit prevents degradations in the performance of the Polyspace Access server and user interface.

You can override both the soft and hard limits for number of uploads by using the /showflags endpoint. For instance, if you use the URL https://example-access-server:9443 to open Polyspace Access on your web browser, enter this URL to manage the size limits for uploads:

You must have a role of Administrator to manage size limits for uploads.

Polyspace Access interface to manage size limits on uploads

To override the size limit, enter a name/value pair in the appropriate fields and click Add / Update tag. To update the:

  • Soft limit, use the name result-count-soft-limit and specify the number of findings threshold that triggers a warning on uploads.

  • Hard limit, use the name result-count-hard-limit and specify the number of findings threshold that triggers an error and causes the upload to fail.

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