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Add an additional mixer/RF specification


addMixer(hif,newimt,newrfcf,newrfbw,newmixtype,newifbw) adds a mixer to a multiband transmitter or receiver object hif as part of an intermediate-frequency (IF) planning analysis workflow.



collapse all

Set up the object

h = OpenIF('IFLocation','MixerOutput');

Add two mixers to the system

IMT1 = [99 0 21 17 26; 11 0 29 29 63; ...
        60 48 70 65 41; 90 89 74 68 87; 99 99 95 99 99];
IMT2 = [99 0 9 12 15; 20 0 26 31 48; ...
        55 70 51 70 53; 85 90 60 70 94; 96 95 94 93 92];

Input Arguments

collapse all

OpenIF object, specified as an object handle,

Intermodulation table, specified as a matrix of size 2-by-2 or greater with each element unit in dB. Values in the matrix are intermodulation levels. Positive values represent greater attenuation.

Columns of the matrix represent integer multiples of the local oscillator (LO) of the mixer, where column one is 0*LO, column 2 is 1*LO, etc. Rows of the matrix represent multipliers for the input frequency to the mixer.

Example: [99 0 21 17 26; 11 0 29 29 63; ... 60 48 70 65 41; 90 89 74 68 87; 99 99 95 99 99];

Data Types: double

RF center frequency, specified as a scalar in Hz.

Example: 2400e6

Data Types: double

RF bandwidth, specified as a scalar in Hz.

Example: 100e6

Data Types: double

IF bandwidth, specified as a scalar in Hz.

Example: 50e6

Data Types: double

Mixer type, specified as 'sum', 'diff', 'low', 'high'. If the IFLocation property in OpenIF object is set to 'MixerInput', then the mixer type is 'sum' or 'diff'. If the IFLocation property in OpenIF object is set to 'MixerOutput', then the mixer type is 'low' or 'high'

Example: 'high'

Data Types: char

Version History

Introduced in R2011b

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