Generic RF element object
— Name given to identify RF element
(default) | character vector
Name given to identify rf element, specified as a character vector. All names must be valid MATLAB® variable names.
Example: 'Name','rfel'
Example: rfel.Name = 'rfel'
— Available power gain
(default) | scalar
Available power gain, specified as a scalar in dB.
Example: 'Gain',10
Example: rfel.Gain = 10
— Noise figure
(default) | real finite nonnegative scalar
Noise figure, specified as a real finite nonnegative scalar dB.
Example: 'NF',-10
Example: rfel.NF = -10
— Second -order output-referred intercept point
(default) | real scalar
Second -order output-referred intercept point, specified as a real scalar in dBm.
Example: 'OIP2',8
Example: amplifier.OIP2 = 8
— Third -order output-referred intercept point
(default) | real scalar
Third -order output-referred intercept point, specified as a real scalar in dBm.
Example: 'OIP3',10
Example: amplifier.OIP3 = 10
— Input impedance
(default) | positive real part finite scalar
Input impedance, specified as a positive real part finite scalar in Ohms. You can also use a complex value with a positive real part.
Example: 'Zin',40
Example: rfel.Zin = 40
— Output impedance
(default) | positive real part finite scalar
Output impedance, specified as a scalar in Ohms. You can also use a complex value with a positive real part.
Example: 'Zout',40
Example: rfel.Zout = 40
— Number of ports
(default) | scalar integer
Number of ports, specified as a scalar integer. This property is read-only.
— Names of port terminals
{'p1+' 'p2+' 'p1-' 'p2-'}
(default) | cell vector
Names of port terminals, specified as a cell vector. This property is read-only.
Object Functions
clone | Create copy of existing circuit element or circuit object |
RF Element
Create an rfelement object with a gain of 10 dB, noise figure of 3 dB, and OIP3 (output third-order intercept) of 2 dBm.
r = rfelement('Gain',10,'NF',3,'OIP3',2)
r = rfelement: RF element Name: 'RFelement' Gain: 10 NF: 3 OIP2: Inf OIP3: 2 Zin: 50 Zout: 50
RF Element Circuit
Create an rf element with a gain of 4 dB. Create another rf element with an output third-order intercept(OIP3) of 13 dBm.
rfel1 = rfelement('Gain',4); rfel2 = rfelement('OIP3',13);
Build a 2-port circuit using the above defined rf elements.
c = circuit([rfel1 rfel2])
c = circuit: Circuit element ElementNames: {'RFelement' 'RFelement_1'} Elements: [1x2 rfelement] Nodes: [0 1 2 3] Name: 'unnamed'
RF Budget Analysis of Series of RF Elements
Create an amplifier with a gain of 4 dB.
a = amplifier(Gain=4);
Create a modulator with an OIP3 of 13 dBm.
m = modulator(OIP3=13);
Create an N-port element using passive.s2p
n = nport('passive.s2p');
Create an RF element with a gain of 10 dB.
r = rfelement(Gain=10);
Calculate the RF budget of a series of RF elements at an input frequency of 2.1 GHz, an available input power of –30 dBm, and a bandwidth of 10 MHz.
b = rfbudget([a m r n],2.1e9,-30,10e6)
b = rfbudget with properties: Elements: [1x4 rf.internal.rfbudget.Element] InputFrequency: 2.1 GHz AvailableInputPower: -30 dBm SignalBandwidth: 10 MHz Solver: Friis AutoUpdate: true Analysis Results OutputFrequency: (GHz) [ 2.1 3.1 3.1 3.1] OutputPower: (dBm) [ -26 -26 -16 -20.6] TransducerGain: (dB) [ 4 4 14 9.4] NF: (dB) [ 0 0 0 0.1392] IIP2: (dBm) [] OIP2: (dBm) [] IIP3: (dBm) [ Inf 9 9 9] OIP3: (dBm) [ Inf 13 23 18.4] SNR: (dB) [73.98 73.98 73.98 73.84]
Type the show
command at the command window to display the analysis in the RF Budget Analyzer app.
Version History
Introduced in R2017aR2023b: Recommended over rfdata.ip3
is recommended over rfdata.ip3
because it enables you to:
Create a generic RF element with third-order intercept points.
Build a
object with a generic RF element.Model an amplifier in an RF chain created using an
object or the RF Budget Analyzer app, and then export this element to RF Blockset™ or torfsystem
System object™ for circuit envelope analysis.
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