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Create a probe feed object

Since R2024b


    Use the ProbeFeed object to create and specify the FeedDefinitions property in a parent pcbComponent object.



    f1=ProbeFeed creates a default ProbeFeed object.

    f1=ProbeFeed(name=value) sets object properties one or more name value arguments.



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    Specifies the signal location at which the via should be centered, as a matrix of size 1-by-2. SignalLocations must usually lie within a metal region on both the signal layer and the ground layer. If ViaModel is "strip", then the via center may also lie on the edge of one or both metal layers.

    The first and the second columns correspond to the X and Y coordinates in meters, respectively. Each location must lie on the edge of a metal layer.

    Example: f1=ProbeFeed;f1.SignalLocations=[0.2 0]

    Data Types: double

    Specifies the metal layer to be positively excited as a scalar, usually located at the top of a via.

    Example: f1=ProbeFeed;f1.SignalLayers=2

    Data Types: double

    Specifies the metal layer to be negatively excite as a scalar, usually at the bottom of a via.

    Example: f1=ArbitraryFiniteGapFeed;f1.GroundLayers=4

    Data Types: double

    Specifies the cross-sectional shape of the via to be constructed, as one of the following values: "square", "hexagon", "strip", "octagon".

    Example: f1=ProbeFeed;f1.ViaModel="strip"

    Data Types: char | string

    Specifies the diameter of the via ro be constructed in meters

    Example: f1=ProbeFeed;f1.ViaDiameter=.002

    Data Types: double


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    This example shows how to configure a ProbeFeed object for a pcbComponent.

    Create a microstrip patch antenna using a pcbComponent object.

    r1 = traceRectangular('Length', 0.075, 'Width', 0.0357);
    r2 = traceRectangular('Length', 0.150, 'Width', 0.0750);
    d = dielectric('Air');
    p = pcbComponent;
    p.BoardShape = r2;
    p.BoardThickness = d.Thickness;
    p.Layers = {r1, d, r2};

    Set the FeedLocations property to "FeedDefinitions" to expose the FeedDefinitions property, and assign a ProbeFeed object to that property.

    p.FeedFormat = 'FeedDefinitions';
    f = ProbeFeed('SignalLocations', [-0.0187 0], 'SignalLayers', 1, 'GroundLayers', 3, 'ViaDiameter', 0.001, 'ViaModel', 'square');
    p.FeedDefinitions = f;

    Show the structure, then calculate and plot its S-parameters over a frequency band.

    figure; show(p);

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title pcbComponent element, xlabel x (mm), ylabel y (mm) contains 7 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed.

    s = sparameters(p, linspace(1e9, 5e9, 51));
    figure; rfplot(s);

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains an object of type line. This object represents dB(S_{11}).

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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