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Run Cosimulations with CARLA

Once you have configured CARLA for cosimulation with RoadRunner Scenario, as shown in CARLA Cosimulation Workflow, you can run cosimulations with CARLA as a background process, without the user interface, or as a foreground process that produces a real-time visualization of the scene.


CARLA requires scene data in order to run cosimulations. To view your cosimulation with CARLA visualizations, ensure you have completed the steps outlined in Export Scenes and Visualizations to CARLA.

Run RoadRunner Scenario Simulation with CARLA in Background

Start RoadRunner and load the scenario file for the example scenario in Configure RoadRunner Scenario Model. Select the Simulation Tool and click Play. RoadRunner Scenario displays the cosimulation of the vehicles, in which RoadRunner Scenario controls the blue sedan and CARLA controls the red hatchback.

Roadrunner simulation view


When you click Play, if CARLA requires additional time to start running the simulation, the cosimulation might have a delayed start.

Run RoadRunner Scenario Cosimulation with CARLA Visualizations

If you exported your scene data using the process in Export Scenes and Visualizations to CARLA, you can visualize the cosimulation using CARLA. In RoadRunner, select the Simulation Tool and click Play. Both RoadRunner Scenario and CARLA display the cosimulation of the vehicles.

CARLA simulation view

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