scales the amount of uncertainty in an uncertain control design block by
= uscale(blk
. Typically, factor
is a robustness margin
returned by robstab
or robgain
, or a robust performance returned by musynperf
. The
uncertain element blk_scaled
is of the same type as
, with the amount of uncertainty scaled in normalized units. For
instance, if factor
is 0.75, the normalized uncertainty of
is 75% of the normalized uncertainty of
Find Tolerable Range of Gain and Phase Variations
Consider a feedback loop with the following open-loop gain.
L = tf(3.5,[1 2 3 0]);
Suppose that the system has gain uncertainty of 1.5 (gain can increase or decrease by a factor of 1.5) and phase uncertainty of ±30°.
DGM = getDGM(1.5,30,'tight'); F = umargin('F',DGM)
Uncertain gain/phase "F" with relative gain change in [0.472,1.5] and phase change of ±30 degrees.
Examine the robust stability of the closed-loop system.
T = feedback(L*F,1); SM = robstab(T)
SM = struct with fields:
LowerBound: 0.8303
UpperBound: 0.8319
CriticalFrequency: 1.4482
shows that the system can only tolerate 0.83 times the modeled uncertainty before going unstable. Scale the umargin
block F
by this amount to find the largest gain and phase variation that the system can tolerate.
factor = SM.LowerBound; Fsafe = uscale(F,factor)
Uncertain gain/phase "F" with relative gain change in [0.563,1.42] and phase change of ±24.8 degrees.
The scaled uncertainty has smaller ranges of both gain variation and phase variation. Compare these ranges for the original modeled variation and the maximum tolerable variation.
DGM = F.GainChange; DGMsafe = Fsafe.GainChange; diskmarginplot([DGM;DGMsafe]) legend('original','safe')
Scale All Uncertain Elements in a Model
Consider the uncertain control system of the example "Robust Performance of Closed-Loop System" on the robgain
reference page. That example examines the sensitivity of the closed-loop response at the plant output to disturbances at the plant input.
k = ureal('k',10,'Percent',40); delta = ultidyn('delta',[1 1]); G = tf(18,[1 1.8 k]) * (1 + 0.5*delta); C = pid(2.3,3,0.38,0.001); S = feedback(1,G*C)
Uncertain continuous-time state-space model with 1 outputs, 1 inputs, 4 states. The model uncertainty consists of the following blocks: delta: Uncertain 1x1 LTI, peak gain = 1, 1 occurrences k: Uncertain real, nominal = 10, variability = [-40,40]%, 1 occurrences Type "S.NominalValue" to see the nominal value and "S.Uncertainty" to interact with the uncertain elements.
Suppose that you do not want the peak gain of this sensitivity function to exceed 1.5. Use robgain
to find out how much of the modeled uncertainty the system can tolerate while the peak gain remains below 1.5.
perfmarg = robgain(S,1.5)
perfmarg = struct with fields:
LowerBound: 0.7821
UpperBound: 0.7837
CriticalFrequency: 7.8566
With that performance requirement, the system can only tolerate about 78% of the modeled uncertainty. Scale all the uncertain elements in S
to create a model of the closed-loop system with the maximum level of uncertainty that meets the performance requirement.
factor = perfmarg.LowerBound; S_scaled = uscale(S,factor)
Uncertain continuous-time state-space model with 1 outputs, 1 inputs, 4 states. The model uncertainty consists of the following blocks: delta: Uncertain 1x1 LTI, peak gain = 0.782, 1 occurrences k: Uncertain real, nominal = 10, variability = [-31.3,31.3]%, 1 occurrences Type "S_scaled.NominalValue" to see the nominal value and "S_scaled.Uncertainty" to interact with the uncertain elements.
The display shows how the uncertain elements in S_scaled
have changed: the peak gain of the ultidyn
element delta
is reduced from 1 to 0.78, and the range of variation of the uncertain real parameter k
is reduced from ±40% to ±31.3%.
Input Arguments
— Scaling factor
Scaling factor, specified as a scalar. This argument is the amount by which
scales the normalized uncertainty of
or M
. For instance, if
= 0.8, then the function reduces the uncertainty to 80%
of its original value, in normalized units. Similarly, if factor
2, then the function doubles the uncertainty.
Typically, factor
is a robustness margin returned by robstab
or robgain
, or a robust performance returned
by musynperf
Thus, you can use uscale
to find the largest range of modeled
uncertainty in a system for which the system has good robust stability or performance.
Output Arguments
— Scaled uncertain model
| umat
| ufrd
| genss
| ...
Version History
Introduced in R2020a
See Also
| actual2normalized
| musynperf
| robstab
| robgain
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