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Generate random samples of uncertain variables in a Simulink model


    Use this function to generate random samples of uncertain variables in a Simulink® model that contains Uncertain State Space blocks. Such sampling lets you perform Monte Carlo analysis of the model response.

    To generate random samples from uncertain elements and models such as uss, ufrd, genss, or genfrd models, use usample.

    uvals = usample(uvars) generates a random sample of the uncertain variables in the structure uvars. This structure lists the uncertain variables in a Simulink model that contains Uncertain State Space blocks. To obtain the input uvars, for a particular Simulink model, use ufind. The resulting structure uvals has fields whose names are the uncertain variable names and values are the corresponding samples. To apply the sampled values when you simulate the model, set the Uncertainty value parameter of the Uncertain State Space block to uvars.


    uvals = usample(uvars,N) takes N samples and returns them in an N-by-1 structure array.

    uvals = usample(uvars,N,wmax) restricts the maximum frequency of poles in the sample when uvars contains uncertain dynamic elements ultidyn or umargin. For details, see the wmax argument description.


    collapse all

    Generate random samples of uncertain variables in a Simulink model.

    Open the model.


    The model contains three Uncertain State Space blocks named Unmodeled Plant Dynamics, Plant, and Sensor Gain. Each of these blocks is preconfigured with an uncertain system variable that depends on an uncertain element, as follows.

    • Unmodeled plant dynamics: a ultidyn element named input_unc

    • Plant: a ureal element called unc_pole

    • Sensor gain: a ureal element called sensor_gain

    Create a structure of these uncertain elements using ufind. This command finds all Uncertain State Space blocks and uncertain variables in the model.

    uvars = ufind('usim_model');
    uvars = 
      struct with fields:
          input_unc: [1x1 ultidyn]
        sensor_gain: [1x1 ureal]
           unc_pole: [1x1 ureal]

    The field names and values of uvars correspond to the uncertain elements in the three Uncertain State Space blocks. To simulate the model at random values of these variables, use usample to generate the values in a structure.

    uval = usample(uvars)
    uval = 
      struct with fields:
          input_unc: [1x1 ss]
        sensor_gain: 0.2853
           unc_pole: -8.3290

    Each field of uval contains the corresponding sample value. The randomly chosen values of the ureal elements are real scalar values. The random sample of the ultidyn element is a state-space model.

    To simulate the model using these random values, set the Uncertainty value parameter of each Uncertain State Space block to uval. In usim_model this parameter is already set. Therefore, when you simulate the model, Simulink applies the values in uval to the uncertain variables in the model.


    For Monte Carlo analysis, you can use a for loop to repeatedly sample the variables and simulate the model.

    for i=1:10;
       uval = usample(uvars);

    The MultiPlot Graph block displays the simulated responses.

    Input Arguments

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    Uncertain variables to sample, specified as a structure whose field names are the names of uncertain variables and whose field values are the corresponding uncertain elements. For instance, uvars might have a field a whose value is a ureal element and a field Delta whose value is a ultidyn element.

    To sample uncertain variables in a Simulink model that contains Uncertain State Space blocks, use the ufind command to construct uvars. This command finds the uncertain variables referenced in the Uncertain State Space blocks in the model and populates the names and values of the structure uvars accordingly.

    Number of samples to take, specified as a positive integer.

    Maximum magnitude of poles in sampled dynamics, specified as a positive scalar value. When you sample uncertain dynamics (ultidyn) or gain and phase uncertainty (umargin), use this input to limit the frequency of poles in the resulting system.

    For ultidyn variables with Type set to GainBounded and umargin variables:

    • If variable is continuous time (Ts = 0), then each pole of the sampled dynamics has a natural frequency less than or equal to wmax.

    • If the variable is discrete time (Ts != 0), then the natural frequency of each pole is less than min(wmax,1/(2*Ts)).

    For ultidyn variables with Type set to PositiveReal, usample samples the variables as in the GainBounded case and performs a bilinear transform on the result.

    The value of wmax overrides the SampleMaxFrequency property of the umargin or ultidyn variable.

    To control the order of the sampled dynamics, use the SampleStateDimension property of theumargin or ultidyn variable.

    Output Arguments

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    Sampled values of uncertain elements, returned as an N-by-1 structure array whose field names are the same as those in uvars and whose values are the randomly-chosen specific (not-uncertain) values of the corresponding uncertain elements.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2009b