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Timing Analysis Reports

The Parallel Link Designer app lists results of the timing analysis in the Waveform and Timing Report. To launch the report, click Reports > Waveform and Timing Report at the end of the simulation. The report sorts the timing data in multiple tabs to organize them.

Timing Analysis Log Tab

The Timing Analysis Log tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations contains a summary of timing results along with any errors or warnings that were generated while running the timing analysis.

Timing Tab

The Timing tab of the timing report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations rolls up the By Variation Details tab by combining all transitions in the same transfer net.

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for all simulations and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for all simulations and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Rmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum rising edge etch delay.
Rmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum rising edge etch delay.
Fmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum falling edge etch delay.
Fmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum falling edge etch delay.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).

By Transfers Tab

The By Transfers tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations rolls up the By Variation tab by combining identical transfers (same driver and receiver).

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Min Etch Delay (ns)Minimum etch delay for the transfer.
Max Etch Delay (ns)Maximum etch delay for the transfer.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of driving node.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of receiving node.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).

By Variation Tab

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Rmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum rising etch delay for the transfer.
Rmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum rising etch delay for the transfer.
Fmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum falling etch delay for the transfer.
Fmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum falling etch delay for the transfer.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).
Extended NetThe name of the extended net being simulated (post-layout only).
AC NoiseAC Noise entered in the product (pre-layout).
AC Noise SourceAC Noise Source selected in pre-layout.
$<variable_name>Column for each variable used in variation group in the Solution Space panel (pre-layout only).

By Variation Details Tab

The By Variation Details tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations contains the setup and hold margins for both rising and falling edges at each receiver in each simulation.

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Rmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum rising edge etch delay.
Rmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum rising edge etch delay.
Fmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum falling edge etch delay.
Fmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum falling edge etch delay.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of driving node.
ReceiverTransfer Net designator name of receiving node.
Driver PinPin of the driving node (post-layout only).
Receiver PinPin of the receiving node (post-layout only).
CornerSilicon and etch corners.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).
Extended NetThe name of the extended net being simulated (post-layout only).
AC NoiseAC Noise entered in the product (pre-layout).
AC Noise SourceAC Noise Source selected in pre-layout.
SimulationSimulation results file name.
Model Format<Driver model> <Receiver model>, each can be either I (IBIS) or SPICE.
$<variable_name>Column for each variable used in variation group in the Solution Space panel (pre-layout only).

By Variation Details Summary Tab

The By Variation Details Summary tab contains two rows for each transfer net:

  • The smallest setup margin for that transfer net

  • The smallest hold margin for that transfer net

This tab indicates the nets with the worst-case setup and hold margins in testing. This tab is only available in post-layout simulations.

MarginSetup or Hold
Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Rmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum rising edge etch delay.
Rmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum rising edge etch delay.
Fmin Etch Delay (ns)Minimum falling edge etch delay.
Fmax Etch Delay (ns)Maximum falling edge etch delay.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of driving node.
ReceiverTransfer Net designator name of receiving node.
Driver PinPin of the driving node (post-layout only).
Receiver PinPin of the receiving node (post-layout only).
CornerSilicon and etch corners.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).
Extended NetThe name of the extended net being simulated (post-layout only).
SimulationSimulation results file name.
Model Format<Driver model> <Receiver model>, each can be either I (IBIS) or SPICE.

By Driver Tab

The By Driver tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations rolls up the By Variation tab by combining identical drivers.

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Min Etch Delay (ns)Minimum etch delay.
Max Etch Delay (ns)Maximum etch delay.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of driving node.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).

By Receiver Tab

The By Receiver tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations rolls up the By Variation tab by combining identical receivers.

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
Min Etch Delay (ns)Minimum etch delay.
Max Etch Delay (ns)Maximum etch delay.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of receiving node.
ColumnContains the name of each variation group, with the column number for each variation group (pre-layout only).

Synchronous Details Tab

The Synchronous Details tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations contains the setup and hold margin for rising and falling data edges in each simulation.

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
R / FRising or falling edge.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of driving node.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of receiving node.
Driver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin of driving node (post-layout only).
Receiver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin of receiving node (post-layout only).
UI (ns)Bit time.
Min Data Etch Delay (ns)Minimum data etch delay to the receiver for the transfer net and corner.
Max Data Etch Delay (ns)Maximum data etch delay to the receiver for the transfer net and corner.
Min Tco (ns)Minimum clock-to-driver output delay for standard load specified in the timing model.
Max Tco (ns)Maximum clock-to-driver output delay for standard load specified in the timing model.
Setup (ns)Minimum setup time required by the receiver specified in the timing file.
Hold (ns)Minimum hold time required by the receiver specified in the timing file.
Setup Skew (ns)Maximum clock skew adversely affecting setup.
Hold Skew (ns)Maximum clock skew adversely affecting hold.
Source Clock PinThe board, reference designator, and pin number of the source clock when the clock skew is derived from simulation (post-layout only).
Target Clock PinThe board, reference designator, and pin number of the target clock when the clock skew is derived from simulation (post-layout only).
Source Clock NetThe transfer net (pre-layout) or net (post-layout) of the source clock when the clock skew is derived from simulation.
Target Clock NetThe transfer net (pre-layout) or net (post-layout) of the target clock when the clock skew is derived from simulation.
SimulationName of simulation results file.
Model FormatWhether driver/receiver model is SPICE or IBIS.
CornerSilicon and etch corners.

Source Synchronous Details Tab

The Source Synchronous Details tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations contains the setup and hold margin for rising and falling data edges in each simulation.

Setup Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver setup time for the transfer and the setup requirement in its timing model.
Hold Margin (ns)Worst difference between receiver hold time for the transfer and the hold requirement in its timing model.
R / FRising or falling edge.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of driving node.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of receiving node.
Driver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin of driving node (post-layout only).
Receiver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin of receiving node (post-layout only).
UI (ns)Bit time.
Min Data Etch Delay (ns)Minimum data etch delay to the receiver for the transfer net and corner.
Max Data Etch Delay (ns)Maximum data etch delay to the receiver for the transfer net and corner.
Rmin Clock Etch Delay (ns)Minimum clock etch delay for rising edge for the transfer net.
Rmax Clock Etch Delay (ns)Maximum clock etch delay for rising edge for the transfer net.
Fmin Clock Etch Delay (ns)Minimum clock etch delay for falling edge for the transfer net.
Fmax Clock Etch Delay (ns)Maximum clock etch delay for falling edge for the transfer net.
R Setup (ns)Minimum setup time (from the timing file) required by the receiver for a rising clock edge.
F Setup (ns)Minimum setup time (from the timing file) required by the receiver for a falling clock edge.
R Hold (ns)Minimum hold time (from the timing file) required by the receiver for a rising clock edge.
F Hold (ns)Minimum hold time (from the timing file) required by the receiver for a falling clock edge.
Rmin Delay Skew (ns)Minimum delay of data driver output reference rising edge of clock driver output.
Rmax Delay Skew (ns)Maximum delay of data driver output reference rising edge of clock driver output.
Fmin Delay Skew (ns)Minimum delay of data driver output reference falling edge of clock driver output.
Fmax Delay Skew (ns)Maximum delay of data driver output reference falling edge of clock driver output.
JitterTiming uncertainty of clock due to jitter.
SimulationName of the simulation results file.
Strobe TNETNet name of the signal that clocks data.
Strobe XNETExtended net name of the (post-layout only).
Model FormatWhether driver/receiver model is SPICE or IBIS.
CornerSilicon and etch corners.

Dynamic Clock Skew Tab

The Dynamic Clock Skew tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations lists the skews between the clock pins used in synchronous timing analysis.

Source Clock Input PinSource clock receiving pin designator (pre-layout) or pin (post-layout).
Target Clock Input PinTarget clock receiving pin designator (pre-layout) or pin (post-layout).
Setup Skew (ns)Minimum interconnect delay difference between the source clock pin and the target clock pin. The delay is corrected by the minimum clock skew between the clock distribution source pin.
Hold Skew (ns)Maximum interconnect delay difference between the source clock pin and the target clock pin. The delay is corrected by the maximum clock skew between the clock distribution source pin.

Dynamic Clock Skew Details Tab

The Dynamic Clock Skew Details tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations lists the source pins and calculations that are used to create the skews between the clock pins used in synchronous timing analysis.

PartPart name.
Source NetTransfer net name (pre-layout) or net (post-layout) of source clock input pin.
Target NetTransfer net name (pre-layout) or net (post-layout) of target clock input pin.
Source PindefName of the timing group in the timing model for the source clock driving pin.
Target PindefName of the timing group in the timing model for the target clock driving pin.
Source PinSource clock driving pin name.
Target PinTarget clock driving pin name.
CornerSilicon and etch corners.
EdgeR (rising) or F (falling).
Source Pin TargetSource clock receiving pin. In post-layout, it denotes the board, reference designator, and pin number. In pre-layout, it denotes the part and pin name.
Target Pin TargetTarget clock receiving pin. In post-layout, it denotes the board, reference designator, and pin number. In pre-layout, it denotes the part and pin name.
Setup Skew (ns)Setup skew between the source receiving pin and target receiving pin.
Hold Skew (ns)Hold skew between the source receiving pin and target receiving pin.
Rmin Skew (ns)Rising edge minimum skew between the source receiving pin and target receiving pin.
Rmax Skew (ns)Rising edge maximum skew between the source receiving pin and target receiving pin.
Fmin Skew (ns)Falling edge minimum skew between the source receiving pin and target receiving pin.
Fmax Skew (ns)Falling edge maximum skew between the source receiving pin and target receiving pin.

Rmin Source Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Rising edge minimum interconnect delay to the source receiving pin.

Rmax Source Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Rising edge maximum interconnect delay to the source receiving pin.

Fmin Source Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Falling edge minimum interconnect delay to the source receiving pin.

Fmax Source Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Falling edge maximum interconnect delay to the source receiving pin.

Rmin Target Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Rising edge minimum interconnect delay to the target receiving pin.

Rmax Target Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Rising edge maximum interconnect delay to the target receiving pin.

Fmin Target Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Falling edge minimum interconnect delay to the target receiving pin.

Fmax Target Clock Etch

Delay (ns)

Falling edge maximum interconnect delay to the target receiving pin.
JitterSetup correction for clock jitter.

No Strobe Details Tab

The No Strobe Details tab of the timing analysis report for post-layout simulations contains the details of source-synchronous constraints that do not have a strobe.

NetExtended net that is the data net with no strobe.
Transfer NetTransfer net that is the data net with no strobe.
SimulationName of the simulation results file.
Driver PartMathWorks Part name of the driver.
Driver DesignatorDesignator name of the driver.
Driver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin number of the driver.
Receiver PartMathWorks Part name of the receiver.
Receiver DesignatorDesignator name of the receiver.
Receiver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin number of the receiver.
Strobe TnetTransfer net name for the strobe.
Strobe Source NetsPotential strobe nets with simulated transfers based on timing model DELAY_SKEW statements of the driver pin.
Strobe Target NetsPotential strobe nets with simulated transfers based on timing model DELAY_SKEW statements of the receiver pin.
Strobe NetsNets that are potential strobe nets but do have not been simulated or do not have a simulation at the required corner.

Coupling Pushout Tab

The Coupling Pushout tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations contains the coupling effects on timing.

Min Baseline Rise (ns)Minimum rising edge etch delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range when aggressors are quiescent.
Max Baseline Rise (ns)Maximum rising edge etch delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range when aggressors are quiescent.
Min Baseline Fall (ns)Minimum falling edge etch delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range when aggressors are quiescent.
Max Baseline Fall (ns)Maximum falling edge etch delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range when aggressors are quiescent.
Min Odd Rise Pushout (ns)Change in the minimum rising edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in anti-phase to the victim.
Max Odd Rise Pushout (ns)Change in the maximum rising edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in anti-phase to the victim.
Min Odd Fall Pushout (ns)Change in the minimum falling edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in anti-phase to the victim.
Max Odd Fall Pushout (ns)Change in the maximum falling edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in anti-phase to the victim.
Min Even Rise Pushout (ns)Change in the minimum rising edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in phase to the victim.
Max Even Rise Pushout (ns)Change in the maximum rising edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in phase to the victim.
Min Even Fall Pushout (ns)Change in the minimum falling edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in phase to the victim.
Max Even Fall Pushout (ns)Change in the maximum falling edge delay at the mid point of receiver measurement range due to the aggressor switching in phase to the victim.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of the driving node.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of the receiving node.
SimulationThe name of the simulation results file.
CornerSilicon and etch corner.
$<variable name>Column for each variable used in variation group in the Solution Space panel (pre-layout only).
Coupled ModelName of the coupled W-element model.
SSO_CapacitanceOn-die proportioned capacitance between Vddq and Vss.

Coupling Noise Tab

The Coupling Noise tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations contains the voltage variation on victim nets caused by coupling.

Noise (V)Maximum change in voltage due to the aggressor switching.
Baseline Voltage (V)Voltage when the aggressors are not switching.
Min Voltage (V)Minimum voltage reached when the aggressors are switching.
Max Voltage (V)Maximum voltage reached when the aggressors are switching.
Min Time (ns)The beginning of the simulation time window where min/max voltage is measured.
Max Tiime (ns)The end of the simulation time window where min/max voltage is measured.
R / FRising or falling aggressor edge; high or low victim state.
Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of the driving node.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of the receiving node.
SimulationThe name of the simulation results file.
CornerSilicon and etch corner.
$<variable name>Column for each variable used in variation group in the Solution Space panel (pre-layout only).
Coupled ModelName of the coupled W-element model.
SSO_CapacitanceOn-die proportioned capacitance between Vddq and Vss.

Edge Details Tab

The Edge Details tab of the timing analysis report for pre-layout and post-layout simulations summarizes each edge in each simulation.

Transfer NetThe name of the transfer net.
DriverTransfer net designator name of the driving node.
ReceiverTransfer net designator name of the receiving node.
Driver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin of the driving node (post-layout only).
Receiver PinBoard, reference designator, and pin of the receiving node (post-layout only).
R / FRising or falling edge.
Min Etch Delay (ns)Minimum etch delay with respect to the reference.
Max Etch Delay (ns)Maximum etch delay with respect to the reference.
AC-DC Slew Rate (V/ns)Slew rate at the receiver.
CornerSilicon and etch corner.
Edge #Transition number of the stimulus.
Time (ns)Time point in waveform where edge occurs.
UI (ns)Bit time.
Delay Variation (ns)Difference between the minimum and maximum delay.
Driver Probe PointDriver probe point: SL_pin, SL_pad or core.
Receiver NodeThe receiver node for this transfer.
Min Derate (ns)Time minimum delay derated.
Max Derate (ns)Time maximum delay derated.
SimulationThe name of the simulation results file.
Min Etch Raw Delay (ns)Minimum delay measured before standard load compensation.
Max Etch Raw Delay (ns)Maximum delay measured before standard load compensation.
Standard Load Delay (ns)Standard load delay to subtract for this driver, process corner and edge.
Net (post layout)Name of the net being simulated (post-layout only).
ColumnColumn in the Solution Space panel used (pre-layout only).
Ac NoiseAC Noise for this net.
Ac Noise SourceSource for AC noise.
Aggressor SeparationAggressor Separation for w-lines (SSO analysis only).
$<variable name>Column for each variable used in variation group in the Solution Space panel (pre-layout only).
SSO_CapacitanceOn-die proportioned capacitance between Vddq and Vss (SSO analysis only).

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