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Timing Analysis

The Parallel Link Designer app has an integrated static timing analysis engine capable of computing setup and hold timing margins on synchronous (common-clock) and source-synchronous transfers. It can support both single data rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) signaling.

You can define the timing relationships and constraints in the component timing models. The app uses the timing models to determine what type of timing analysis to perform. Timing analysis also depends on etch delays, clock skew, UI, jitter, and transfers.

Timing Model

A timing model template is a file that has the correct model structure and syntax, and has all of the pin information. The timing model template generator parses an existing IBIS model and creates a timing model that contains entries for each pin, in vector notation, already sorted by pin type (input, output, or bidirectional.) You may add existing timing models by copying the files to the <project path>/si_lib/timing directory.

You can create a new timing model from scratch, but it is recommended that you start from an automatically generated timing model template.

Generate Timing Model Template

To generate a timing file template, open the Edit Part Properties dialog box by clicking Libraries > Edit Part Properties from the app toolstrip and selecting a part properties file. Timing model template generation uses the IBIS component, so you must specify the IBIS file. Click the Generate button below the Timing File parameter. You can also rename the base name of the timing model file.

Timing Model Syntax

The format of a timing model is:

MODEL: <name>
DESCRIPTION: <description>
SOURCE: <source>

<parameter definitions>

<pin groups>
<pin groups>
<pin groups>
<pin groups>

<timing statements>


Timing Model Keywords

FieldKeywordRequiredDescriptionSyntax Rule
GeneralMODELYesThe start of the model specified by the file name. The model name is used in part properties and transfer net files. 
DESCRIPTIONNoThe description of the model. 
SOURCENoThe source of the model, for example, creator. 
ParametersPARAMSNoThe start of the list of parameter assignment statements. 
END_PARAMSNoThe end of the list of parameter assignment statements. 
Pin definitionPINDEFYesThe start of the pin definition section.

You can add arbitrary strings at the end. For example:

PINDEF <package_name> <number_of_pins>
INPUTSNoThe list of the PIN_NAME inputs. 
OUTPUTSNoThe list of the PIN_NAME outputs. 
BIDIRNoThe list of the PIN_NAME bidirectional. 
UNINTERESTINGNoThe list of the PIN_NAME that are not involved in the timing for this part. 
END_PINDEFYesThe end of the pin definition section. 
Timing statementsDELAYOne of these is requiredThe delay from the clock input pin to data output pin. It uses both min and max delay values for each process corner (FF, TT, SS).

Define the reference clock edge, clop and data pin names, and delays.

DELAY<*> <clk_edge> <clk_pin> *TO <data_pin> <delays>

The delay from the clock input pin to data output pin.

DELAY_C uses the min delay values for FF process corner and max delay values for SS process corner. It uses both min and max for TT process corner.


The delay from the clock input pin to data output pin.

DELAY_A uses the min delay values for SS process corner and max delay values for FF process corner. It uses both min and max for TT process corner.

DELAY_SKEW or DELAY_SThe skew between the two clock output pins.
CLOCK_SKEWThe delay between the clock output transition and the data output transition in source synchronous bus.

Define the reference source edge, reference clock and skew target clock pin names, and delays.

CLOCK_SKEW <clk1_edge> <clk1_pin> *TO <clk2_pin> <delays>
DELAY NXThe propagation delay time through the non-inverting clock buffer.

Define the buffer type (inverting or non-inverting), input and output pin names, and delays.

DELAY [N I]X <Input_Pin> *TO <Output_Pin> <delays>
DELAY IXThe propagation delay time through the inverting clock buffer.
DELAY PLLThe delay of the etch from the feedback input to the feedback output of a PLL.

Define the input and output pin names. If feedback etch simulations have not been run, you can also add the minimum and maximum rising etch delays from the feedback output to input pin (Rmin_Tpd and Rmax_Tpd).

DELAY PLL <Input_Pin> *TO <Output_Pin> <<Rmin_Tpd>> <<Rmax_Tpd>>

The setup from the data input pin to the clock input pin.

The hold from the clock input pin to the data input pin.

Define the reference clock edge, assigned data and clock pin names, and delays.

SETHLD <data_pin> *TO <clk_edge> <clk_pin> <delays>
TRAINED_DELAY_SKEWNoSpecify the tap data for training.

Define the data pin group name, minimum and maximum tap increments, and tap granularities in ns.

TRAINED_<*> <PINDEF> <Min_Tap_Inc> <Max_Tap_Inc> <Granularity>
CHANNELNoMap the pin definitions to the channels for results to roll up for DDRx.

Define the channel and pin group names.

CHANNEL <channel> <pindef> [<pindef>...]
VREF_READ_TRAININGNoSpecify how to perform read training for DDRx.
VREF_WRITE_TRAININGNoSpecify how to perform write training for DDRx.
GeneralEND_MODELYesThe end of the timing model file. 

Synchronous Interface Timing

In a synchronous (common clock) interface, the data transfer occurs between a source device and target device that share a common clock distribution.

Synchronous data transfer timing elements.

The basic equations that govern the setup and hold timing margin calculation include the delay (Tco) values of the driving chip, setup and hold constraints on the target chip, etch delays, and clock skews.

Setup Margin=UIMax TcoMax Data Etch Delay+Setup SkewJitterSetup

Hold Margin=Min Tco+Min Data Etch DelayHold SkewHold

For more information, see Clock Skew in Synchronous Interface Timing.

Source-Synchronous Interface Timing

In a source-synchronous (clock-forwarded) interface, both the clock and data transmits from the same source device to the same target device.

DDR Source Synchronous data transfer timing elements.

These interfaces can clock off one (single-data-rate or SDR) or both edges (dual-data-rate or DDR) of the clock. The primary advantage of a source synchronous interface is that both the clock and data are driven from the same chip and typically routed on the same layers of the PCB at matched length. As a result, the effects of the device process, temperature, voltage variation, and interconnect variation become correlated. This reduces signalling skew and results in faster signaling rates.

You can specify the jitter (defined as cycle-to-cycle jitter) on the clock transfer nets. The specified jitter affects the hold margins.

In a dual data rate system, timing is relative to the rising and falling clock edges as well as the rising and falling data edges. As a result, there are total of eight margin calculations, four for setup and four for hold.

Data R/FClock R/FMarginEquation



UI + RminD + RminDSRmaxCRhold – Jitter




UI + RminD + FminDSFmaxCFhold – Jitter




UI + FminD + RminDSRmaxCRhold – Jitter




UI + FminD + FminDSFmaxCFhold – Jitter

Here, R refers to rising edge, F refers to falling edge, D refers to data etch delay, C refers to clock etch delay, DS refers to delay skews from the timing model for the driving device, setup refers to setup constraints from the timing model for the receiving device, hold refers to hold constraints from the timing model of the receiving device, UI refers to unit interval at the data transfer net, and Jitter refers to jitter defined in the clock transfer net.

Timing margin calculations are performed on a corner-by-corner basis. Cross corner interconnect delays for clock and data (e.g. FFFE and SSSE) are never combined to calculate setup and hold margins, as a given device cannot be both fast and slow simultaneously.

For more information, see Clock Skew in Source-Synchronous Interface Timing.

Clock Buffers and PLLs

The timing characteristics of a clock buffer include its intrinsic delay and skew between its output pins.

Clock buffer timing statements.

The Parallel Link Designer app models the intrinsic delay with the inverting delay (DELAY IX) and non-inverting delay (DELAY NX) timing model statements. It models the skew between the outputs with the CLOCK_SKEW timing model statement.

For PLLs, there is an additional DELAY PLL statement in the timing model which specifies the feedback path between the input and output pins.

PLL timing statements.

When tracing through a clock buffer or PLL, the Parallel Link Designer app uses the delay timing statements to determine the connectivity between the transfer nets of the input and output. It must be able to do this in order to trace the complete clock path.

For more information, see Clock Delay Through Buffers and PLLs.

Pre-layout vs. Post-layout timing

In pre-layout timing analysis, a transfer net sheet is often used to represent an entire bus for an interface (data, address, or control). Each pin in this bus may have a unique set of timing parameters associated with it. For example, a source device may have pin-specific Tco values. The Parallel Link Designer app calculates the pre-layout and post-layout timing differently in this case.

During the pre-layout analysis, the app finds the minimum and maximum delay values for any bit involved in the transaction and use those delays for all bits in the bus. This provides a conservative estimate of timing margins.

During the post-layout analysis, the app analyzes the timing margins for each bit independently. It then combines the simulated etch delay the associated clock and data nets with pin-specific timing data. This provides a better estimate of the operating timing margin of the design.

Setting Up Timing Analysis

Synchronous Timing Setup

To setup the synchronous timing interface:

  • Create the data transfer net sheet of the type DATA.

  • Define the delay statements in the timing model. For single-data-rate (SDR) transfers, one delay statement is enough. For dual-data-rate (DDR) transfers, you must define two delay statements, one for the rising clock edge, the other for the falling clock edge.

    To define a part with a clock-to-out from minimum 1 ns to maximum 3 ns on the PINDEF group DATA with respect to the PINDEF group CLK, use the DELAY statement:

    DELAY R CLK *TO DATA 1.0 3.0
  • Define the setup and hold timing constraints between the data and the clock pin groups. For DDR, you need to SETHLD statements.

    To define a part with a setup requirement of 3 ns and a hold requirement of 1ns for the PINDEF group DATA with respect to the PINDEF group CLK, use the SETHLD statement:

    SETHLD DATA *TO R CLK 3.0 1.0

    To enable dynamic calculations of clock skew:

    • Create the appropriate transfer net sheets for the source and target clock. These sheets must be of type CLOCK or STROBE. The clocks/strobes must both originate from the same clock buffer device and connect to the clock pins of the clocked source and target devices.

    • Add a CLOCK_SKEW statement in the timing model for the clock buffer between the output clock pin groups to define the drive uncertainty for these output pins.

    To define a device with clock output PINDEF groups CLK1 and CLK2 with a skew of ± 200 ps, use the CLOCK_SKEW statement:.

    CLOCK_SKEW R CLK1 *TO CLK2 -0.2 0.2


All output clock pins may be in the same PINDEF group. The CLOCK_SKEW statement can reference the PINDEF to itself.

Source-Synchronous Timing Setup

To setup the source-synchronous timing interface:

  • Create the appropriate transfer net sheets. In the simplest case, there must be two transfer net sheets, one for the data net and one for the clock net. The data transfer net sheet should be of type DATA and the clock transfer net sheet should be of type CLOCK or STROBE.

  • Add a DELAY_SKEW statement in the timing model for the driving chip between the data and clock pin groups. For DDR, you need two DELAY_SKEW statements.

    To define a device that has a ± 200 ps skew between the clock and data PINDEF groups, use the DELAY_SKEW statement:

    DELAY_SKEW R clock *TO data -0.2 0.2
  • Add a SETHLD (setup and hold) timing constraint defined between the data and clock pin groups in the timing model for the target chip. For DDR, you need two SETHLD statements.

    To define a part with a setup requirement of 3 ns and a hold requirement of 1 ns for the PINDEF group DATA with respect to the PINDEF group CLK, use the SETHLD statement:

    SETHLD data *TO R clock 3.0 1.0

Timing Setup Through Clock Buffers

The Parallel Link Designer app supports timing through clock buffers for both synchronous and source-synchronous timing. To enable timing through a clock buffer:

  • Set up the basic Synchronous Timing Setup or Source-Synchronous Timing Setup for the data signals.

  • Create separate transfer net sheets of type CLOCK or STROBE for the clocks into and out of the clock buffer. If the outputs of the clock buffer go to different target parts, you need to create a transfer net for each unique target part.

  • Add a inverting or non-inverting delay statement in the timing model for the clock buffer between the input pin and the output pin groups.

    To define a non-inverting clock buffer with a minimum delay of 500 ps and maximum delay of 2.5 ns between the input and output pins, use the DELAY NX statement:

    DELAY NX CKIN *TO CKOUT 0.500 2.500

Timing Setup Through PLL

The Parallel Link Designer app supports timing through PLLs, including the feedback path, for both synchronous and source-synchronous timing. You can also choose whether to simulate the feedback path. To enable timing through a PLL:

  • Set up the basic Synchronous Timing Setup or Source-Synchronous Timing Setup for the data signals.

  • Create separate transfer net sheets of type CLOCK or STROBE for the clocks into and out of the clock buffer. If the outputs of the clock buffer go to different target parts, you need to create a transfer net for each unique target part.

  • Create a transfer net sheet for the PLL feedback path of type CLOCK. The source part and the target part is the PLL.

  • Add a PLL delay statement in the timing model for the clock buffer between the feedback output pin and the feedback input pin groups.

    To define a feedback path with a minimum delay of 250 ps and maximum delay of 350ps, use the DELAY PLL statement:

    DELAY PLL FBIN *TO FBOUT 0.250 0.350


    Any delay values derived from the simulation takes precedence over the values in the DELAY PLL statement.

Setup for Trained Timing

Trained timing is used by devices that align a clock or strobe with a data valid window by delaying the clock or strobe using a DLL. The timing model requires a TRAINED statement to specify the DLL parameters for the pin groups for a clock or strobe.

Consider a controller timing model with a DQ and DQS pin group that has DELAY_SKEW statements:


The TRAINED statements for the pin group DQS1 is:


The Waveform and Timing Report generated from the app shows the margin without training, the optimal sample time, and the DLL tap that give margins closest to the optimal margins in the Training Details tab.

Setup for External Loop Clock

In an external loop clock system, a controller generates a read and write clock and the read clock is looped back to the controller. In this system writes (Controller to Memory) are source-synchronous and reads (Memory to Controller) are synchronous.

External loop clock.

The controller needs a DELAY_SKEW statement for the Clock1 to Write_Data relationship.

CLOCK_SKEW Clock1_out *TO Clock2_out SKEW_MIN SKEW_MAX
SETHLD Read_Data *TO R Clock2_in SETUP HOLD

The memory timing model needs a DELAY statement for the Clock1 to Read_Data timing relationship.

SETHLD Write_Data *TO R Clock2_in SETUP HOLD

Setup for Internal Loop Clock

In an internal loop clock system, the clock for the read data is internal to the controller. The read and write timing is the similar as in the external case.

Internal loop clock

The data sheet timing references the setup and hold of the read data to Clock1, the output clock from the controller. The Parallel Link Designer app still requires an input clock for the setup and hold constraint for read data at the controller, so you must create a dummy input clock. This dummy input clock has a DELAY NX statement with zero delay to Clock1, so it has the same timing as Clock1.

Internal loop clock with dummy input clock.

The dummy input clock pin can be an existing unused clock pin in the IBIS file. Alternatively, you can add a pin to the IBIS component and timing model PINDEF. The dummy input clock does not require any transfer net. It is only used to create a common reference point for the synchronous timing calculation for data reads.

The controller needs a DELAY_SKEW statement for the Clock1 to Write_Data relationship.

DELAY NX Clock1_in *TO Clock1_out 0
SETHLD Read_Data *TO R Clock_in SETUP HOLD

The memory timing model needs a DELAY statement for the Clock1 to Read_Data timing relationship.

SETHLD Write_Data *TO R Clock2_in SETUP HOLD

Timing Report

You can access the results of the timing analysis from the Waveform and Timing Report. To launch the report, click Reports > Waveform and Timing Report. The report contains multiple tabs with timing data. For more information, see Timing Analysis Reports.

Timing Report LogSyntax errors and summary of edge details described in the Edge Details tab.
TimingCombines the rising edge and falling edge data described in the By Edge tab.
By TransferCombines the identical transfers (same driver and receiver) described in the By Variation tab.
By VariationCombines the rising edge variation and falling edge variation data described in the By Edge Variation tab.
By Variation DetailsContains the setup and hold margins for both rising and falling edges at each receiver in each simulation.
By Variation Details SummaryContains two rows for each transfer net: one for the smallest setup margin and the other for the smallest hold margin.
Timing Waveform Margin DetailsSummarizes both waveform and timing information across each simulation in a single tab.
By DriverCombines the identical drivers described in the By Variation tab.
By ReceiverCombines the identical receivers described in the By Variation tab.
Synchronous DetailsContains the timing data for nets using a regular (centralized) clocking configuration by receiver. It includes setup and hold margins and etch delays referenced to driver test load. It also lists receiver setup and hold time specs, driver clock to out delays, UI (bit time), and clock skews used to calculate the margins.
Source Synchronous DetailsContains the timing data for nets using a source synchronous clock, by receiver. It includes setup and hold margins as well as data and clock etch delays referenced to driver test load. It also lists receiver setup and hold time specs, UI (bit time), and driver skews used to calculate the margins.
Clock Buffer DetailsShows the non-inverting delays and feedback etch delays for clock buffers.
Clock Path DetailsContains the details of the etch delay calculation for clock paths that traverse buffers or PLLs. This includes the etch delay of the PLL output, etch delay of the PLL feedback, and non-inverting delay of the PLL for each process corner run.
Training DetailsContains the data showing the setup and hold margins without training (Untrained Setup/Hold Margin), the setup and hold margins if the tap could be set to any value (Optimal Setup/Hold Margin), and the setup and hold margin when the taps are set to there best setting (Trained Setup/Hold Margin). The tap used for the best setting and the delay from that tap are reported as well as the transfer net, pin group (from the timing model) and the type of training statement (from the timing model).
Edge DetailsSummarizes data on each edge in each simulation.
Timing Waveform MarginContains the timing and waveform margin results.
Coupling Pushout (SSO mode only)Reports the coupling effects on timing.
Coupling Noise (SSO mode only)Reports the voltage variation on victim nets caused by coupling.

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