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Cast coefficients of digital filter to double precision


f2 = double(f1) casts coefficients in a digital filter, f1, to double precision and returns a new digital filter, f2, that contains these coefficients.



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Use designfilt to design a 5th-order FIR lowpass filter. Specify a normalized passband frequency of 0.2π rad/sample and a normalized stopband frequency of 0.55π rad/sample.

Cast the filter to single precision and cast it back to double precision. Display the first numerator coefficient of each filter.

format long
d = designfilt("lowpassfir",FilterOrder=5, ...
e = single(d);
f = double(e);

coed = d.Numerator(1)
coed = 

coee = e.Numerator(1)
coee = single

coef = f.Numerator(1)
coef = 

Use double to analyze, in double precision, the effects of single-precision quantization of filter coefficients.

Input Arguments

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Single-precision digital filter, specified as a digitalFilter object. Use designfilt to generate a digital filter based on frequency-response specifications and single to cast it to single precision.

Example: f1= single(designfilt('lowpassfir','FilterOrder',3,'HalfPowerFrequency',0.5)) specifies a third-order Butterworth filter with normalized 3-dB frequency 0.5π rad/sample cast in single precision.

Output Arguments

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Double-precision digital filter, returned as a digitalFilter object.

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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