Model amplifier in RF systems
RF Blockset /
Circuit Envelope /
Use the Amplifier block to model a linear or
nonlinear amplifier, with or without noise. Defining the amplifier
gain using a data source also defines input data visualization and
modeling. Use the Main tab parameters to specify
amplifier gain and noise using data sheet values, standard s2p
S-parameters, or circuit envelope polynomial coefficients.
The amplifier is implemented as a polynomial, voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) except
when the amplifier gain is obtained from a Data source
. The
VCVS includes nonlinearities that are described using parameters listed in the
Nonlinearity tab. To model linear amplification, the amplifier
implements the relation Vout =
a1*Vin between the input and output voltages. The input voltage is Vi(t) =
Ai(t)ejωt, and the output voltage is Vo(t) =
Ao(t)ejωt at each carrier w = 2πf in the RF Blockset™ environment.
In case the amplifier gain is obtained from a data source, amplifier implementation is based on S-parameter data. Nonlinear amplification is modeled as a polynomial (with the saturation power computed automatically). It also produces additional intermodulation frequencies.
Amplifier block mask icons are dynamic and show the current state of the applied noise parameter. This table shows you how the icons on this block vary based on the state of the Noise figure (dB) parameter on the block.
Noise Figure (dB): 10 | Noise Figure (dB): 0 |
Spot Noise Data in Amplifiers and Effects on Measured Noise Figure
A test bench model to describe the noise introduced by a 2-port device.
Validating IP2/IP3 Using Complex Signals
Run a two-tone experiment to measure the second- and third-order intercept points of an amplifier.
Impact of Thermal Noise on Communication System Performance
Model thermal noise in a super-heterodyne RF receiver and measure its effects on a communications system noise figure and bit error rate.
Executable Specification of Direct Conversion Receiver
Simulate the sensitivity performance of a direct conversion architecture with the following RF impairments.
Source of amplifier gain — Amplifier gain source
Available power gain
(default) | Open circuit voltage gain
| Data source
| Polynomial coefficients
| AM/AM-AM/PM table
Source of the amplifier gain, specified as one of the following:
Available power gain
— The block uses the Available power gain parameter to calculate a1, the linear voltage gain term of the polynomial VCVS. This calculation assumes a matched load termination for the amplifier.Open circuit voltage gain
— The block uses the Open circuit voltage gain parameter to calculate a1, the linear voltage gain term of the polynomial VCVS.Data source
— The block uses the Data source parameter to calculate the linear voltage gain. When you use the data source option, the block uses S11 and S22 as the input and output impedances.Polynomial coefficients
— The block uses the Polynomial coefficients parameter to calculate the nonlinear voltage gain.AM/AM-AM/PM table
— The block uses the AM/AM-AM/PM table parameter to determine the power characteristics of the amplifier.
Available power gain — Available power gain
0 dB
(default) | scalar
Available power gain of amplifier, specified as a scalar in dB. Specify the units from the corresponding drop-down list.
To enable this parameter, choose Available power
in the Source of amplifier
gain tab.
Open circuit voltage gain — Open circuit voltage gain
0 dB
(default) | scalar
Open circuit voltage of amplifier, specified as a scalar in dB. Specify the units from the corresponding drop-down list.
To enable this parameter, choose Open circuit voltage
in the Source of amplifier
gain tab.
Data source — Data source
Data File
(default) | Network-parameters
| Rational Model
Data source, specified as one of the following:
Data file
— Name of a Touchstone file with the extension.s2p
— Provide Network parameter data such asS-parameters
, andZ-parameters
with corresponding Frequency and Reference impedance (ohms) for the amplifier.Rational model
— Provide values for Residues, Poles, and Direct feedthrough parameters which correspond to the equation for a rational modelIn this rational model equation, each Ck is the residue of the pole Ak. If Ck is complex, a corresponding complex conjugate pole and residue must also be enumerated. This object has the properties
, andD
. You can use these properties to specify the Residues, Poles, and Direct feedthrough parameters.
When the amplifier is nonlinear, the nonlinearity applies only to the S21 term of the scattering parameters representing the 2-port element. In this case, S21 is frequency-independent with its constant value being either the maximal value of S21, or the S21 value at an Operation frequency specified by the user. The other scattering parameters, S11, S12, and S22 remain the same as in the linear case.
To enable this parameter, select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain tab.
Polynomial coefficients — Polynomial coefficients
[0 1]
(default) | vector
Order of polynomial, specified as a vector.
The order of the polynomial must be less than or equal to 9. The
coefficients are ordered in ascending powers. If a vector has 10
the polynomial it represents is:a
... a
Vout = a0 + a1Vin + a2Vin2 + ...
+ a9Vin9
a1 represents the linear
gain term, and higher-order terms are modeled according to [1].
For example, the vector
specifies the relation Vout = a0 + a1V1 + a2V12 + a3V13. Trailing zeroes are omitted. So,
defines the same polynomial as
. The default value of this parameter is [0,1],
corresponding to the linear relation
Vout =
To enable this parameter, select Polynomial
in Source of amplifier
gain tab.
AM/AM-AM/PM table — Lookup table
[ -25, 5, -1; -10, 20, -2; 0, 27, 5; 5, 28,
12 ]
(default) | M-by-3 real matrix
Table lookup entries specified as a real M-by-3 matrix. The second column of the matrix represents the AM/AM–AM/PM model output power in dBm. The third column represents the model phase change in degrees. The second and third column values are related to the absolute value of the power of the input signal represented in the first column of matrix. The input power in the first column must increase monotonically.
To enable this parameter, set Source of amplifier
gain to AM/AM - AM/PM
Network-parameter object — Network parameter objects as data source
(default) | on
Select this parameter to use a network parameter object as the source of amplifier gain.
Once you select this parameter, in the text box that opens, specify one of these:
Network parameter object.
MATLAB® base workspace variable or a Simulink® model workspace variable. The block evaluates if the specified variable is a network parameter object.
The network parameter objects that you can specify include:
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain, and then select
in Data
Network parameter type — Network parameter type
(default) | Y-parameters
| Z-parameters
Network parameter type, specified as S-parameters
, or
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select
in the
Data source.
Input impedance (Ohm) — Input impedance
(default) | positive scalar
Input impedance of amplifier, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.
To enable this parameter, select Available power
, Open circuit voltage
, or Polynomial
in Source of amplifier
Output impedance (Ohm) — Output impedance
(default) | positive scalar
Output impedance of amplifier, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.
To enable this parameter, select Available power
, Open circuit voltage
, or Polynomial
in Source of amplifier
Data file — Name of network parameter data file
(default) | character vector
Name of network parameter data file, specified as a character vector.
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select Data
in Data source.
Frequency (dB) — Frequency of network parameters
1e9 Hz
(default) | scalar | Hz
| kHz
| MHz
| GHz
Frequency of network parameters, specified as a scalar in Hz.
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select
in Data
Reference Impedance(Ohm) — Reference impedance of network parameters
(default) | positive scalar | vector of positive scalars
Reference impedance of network parameters, specified as a positive scalar or vector of positive scalars in ohms.
The reference impedance of all the ports must be equal when you specify it as a vector of positive scalars.
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select
in Data
Use rational object — Rational object as data source
(default) | on
Select this parameter to use a rational
object as the
data source to model amplifier gain.
Once you select this parameter, in the text box that opens, specify one of these:
object.MATLAB base workspace variable or a Simulink model workspace variable. The block evaluates if the specified variable is a rational object."
The rational
objects that you can specify include:
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain, and then select Rational
in Data source.
Residues — Residues in order of rational model
(default) | vector
Residues in order of rational model, specified as a vector.
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select Rational
in Data source.
Poles — Residues in order of rational model
(default) | vector
Poles in order of rational model, specified as a vector.
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select Rational
in Data source.
Direct feedthrough — Direct feedthrough
{0 0:1 0}
(default) | array of vectors
Direct feedthrough, specified as an array vector.
To enable this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain and then, select Rational
in Data source.
Ground and hide negative terminals — Ground RF circuit terminals
(default) | off
Select this option to ground and hide the negative terminals. Clear this parameter to expose the negative terminals. By exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts of your model.
By default, this option is selected.
Nonlinear polynomial type — Type of nonlinearity
Even and odd order
(default) | Odd order
Type of nonlinearity, specified as Even and odd
or Odd order
When you select
Even and odd order
, the amplifier can produce second- and third-order intermodulation frequencies in addition to a linear term.When you select
Odd order
, the amplifier generates only odd order intermodulation frequencies.The linear gain determines the linear a1 term. The block calculates the remaining terms from the specified parameters. These parameters are IP3, 1-dB gain compression power, Output saturation power, and Gain compression at saturation. The number of constraints you specify determines the order of the model. The figure shows the graphical definition of the nonlinear amplifier parameters.
Intercept points convention — Intercept points convention
(default) | Input
Intercept points convention, specified a
-referred, or
-referred convention. Use this
specification for the intercept points, 1-dB gain compression power, and
saturation power.
IP2 — Second-order intercept point
(default) | scalar | W
| mW
| dBW
| dBm
Second-order intercept point, specified as a scalar.
To set this parameter, select Even and odd
in Nonlinear polynomial
IP3 — Third-order intercept point
(default) | scalar | W
| mW
| dBW
| dBm
Third-order intercept point, specified as a scalar.
1-dB gain compression power — 1-dB gain compression power
inf dBm
(default) | scalar | W
| mW
| dBW
| dBm
1-dB gain compression power, specified as a scalar.
To set this parameter, select Odd order
in Nonlinear polynomial type.
Output saturation power — Output saturation power
inf dBm
(default) | scalar | W
| mW
| dBW
| dBm
Output saturation power, specified as scalar. The block uses this value to calculate the voltage saturation point used in the nonlinear model. In this case, the first derivative of the polynomial is zero, and the second derivative is negative.
To set this parameter, select Odd order
in Nonlinear polynomial type.
Gain compression at saturation — Gain compression at saturation
inf dBm
(default) | scalar | W
| mW
| dBW
| dBm
Gain compression at saturation, specified as scalar.
When Nonlinear polynomial type is
Odd order
, specify the gain compression
at saturation.
To set this parameter, first select Odd
in Nonlinear polynomial
type. Then, change the default value of
Output saturation power.
Use operation frequency at maximum S21 magnitude — Specify operation frequency
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify operation frequency at the maximum magnitude of S21.
To enable this parameter:
First, choose
Data source
in the Source of amplifier gain parameter on theMain tab.Second, specify the nonlinearity in the Nonlinearity tab.
And finally, click the Apply button.
Operation frequency — Operation frequency
1 GHz
(default) | scalar | finite vector | Hz
| KHz
| MHz
| GHz
Operation frequency, specified as a scalar or finite vector.
To enable this parameter:
First, choose
Data source
in the Source of amplifier gain parameter on theMain tab.Second, specify the nonlinearity in the Nonlinearity tab.
And finally, click the Apply button.
If the Use constant S21 and nonlinearity parameter is selected, clear this parameter to enable the Operation frequency parameter.
Use constant S21 and nonlinearity — Operation frequency
(default) | on
Select this parameter to use the constant magnitude of S21 and nonlinearity in your amplifier model.
To enable this parameter:
First, choose
Data source
in the Source of amplifier gain parameter on theMain tab.Second, specify the nonlinearity in the Nonlinearity tab.
And finally, click the Apply button.
Plot Power Characteristics — Amplifier nonlinear power curve visualization
button (default)
Use this button to plot the power characteristics of the amplifier based on the nonlinearity parameters specified on the Nonlinearity tab. When you clear the Use constant S21 and nonlinearity parameter, the power curve reflects the amplifier power measured at the frequency specified in the Operation frequency parameter.
To enable this parameter, set Source of amplifier
gain in the Main tab to
Available power gain
Open circuit voltage gain
, or
Data source
Simulate noise — Simulate thermal noise
(default) | off
Select this parameter, to simulate noise as specified in block parameters or on file.
If the noise is specified in an .s2p
file, then it
is used for simulation.
Noise type — Noise type
Noise figure
(default) | Spot noise data
Noise type, specified as Noise figure
Spot noise data
Noise distribution — Noise distribution
(default) | Piece-wise linear
| Colored
Noise distribution, specified as:
, spectral density is a single non-negative value. The power value of the noise depends on the bandwidth of the carrier and the bandwidth depends on the time step. This is an uncorrelated noise source.Piece-wise linear
, spectral density is a vector of values [pi]. For each carrier, the noise source behaves like a white uncorrelated noise. The power of the noise source is carrier-dependent.Colored
, depends on both carrier and bandwidth. This is a correlated noise source.
Noise figure (dB) — Noise figure
0 (default) | scalar
Noise figure, specified as a scalar in decibels.
Frequencies — Frequency data
0 Hz
(default) | real scalar | finite vector
Frequency data, specified as a real scalar or finite vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz.
To set this parameter, first select Piece-wise
or Colored
Noise distribution.
Minimum noise figure (dB) — Minimum noise figure
(default) | scalar | finite vector
Minimum noise figure, specified as a scalar or finite vector in decibels.
To set this parameter, first select Spot noise
in Noise type.
Optimal reflection coefficient — Optimal reflection coefficient
(default) | scalar | finite vector
Optimal reflection coefficient, specified as a scalar or a finite vector.
To set this parameter, first select Spot noise
in Noise type.
Equivalent normalized noise resistance — Equivalent normalized noise resistance
(default) | scalar | finite vector
Equivalent normalized noise resistance, specified as a scalar or finite vector.
To set this parameter, first select Spot noise
in Noise type.
Automatically estimate impulse response duration — Automatically estimate impulse response duration
(default) | off
Select this parameter to automatically calculate impulse response for frequency dependent noises. Clear this parameter to manually specify the impulse response duration using Impulse response duration. You cannot specify impulse response when amplifier is nonlinear, as in this case noise is simulated as white-noise.
To set this parameter, first select
in Noise
Impulse response duration — Impulse response duration
(default) | scalar
Impulse response duration used to simulate frequency dependent noise, specified as a scalar in seconds. You cannot specify impulse response if the amplifier is nonlinear.
To set this parameter, first clear Automatically estimate impulse response duration.
Modeling options — Model S-parameters
Time domain
(default) | Frequency domain
Model S-parameters, specified as:
Time domain
technique creates an analytical rational model that approximates the whole range of the data. When modeling usingTime domain
, the Plot inVisualization
tab plots the data defined inData Source
and the values in therationalfit
function.Frequency domain
computes the baseband impulse response for each carrier frequency independently. This technique is based on convolution. There is an option to specify the duration of the impulse response. For more information, see Compare Time and Frequency Domain Simulation Options for S-parameters.For the Amplifier, Antenna, and S-Parameters blocks, the default value is
Time domain
. For the Transmission Line block, the default value isFrequency domain
To set this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain. This selection activates the
Modeling Tab which contains
Modeling options
Fitting options — Rationalfit fitting options
Fit individually
(default) | Share poles by column
| Share all poles
Rationalfit fitting options, specified as Fit
, Share poles by
, or Share all
Rational fitting results shows values of Number of independent fits, Number of required poles, and Relative error achieved (dB).
To set this parameter, select Time
in Modeling options.
Relative error desired (dB) — Relative error acceptable for the rational fit
(default) | scalar
Relative error acceptable for the rational fit, specified as a scalar in decibels.
To set this parameter, select Time
in Modeling options.
Automatically estimate impulse response duration — Automatically calculate impulse response
| off
Select this parameter to automatically calculate impulse response. Clear this parameter to manually specify the impulse response duration using Impulse response duration.
To set this parameter, select Frequency
in Modeling options.
Impulse response duration — Impulse response duration
(default) | scalar
Impulse response duration, specified as a scalar in seconds.
To set this parameter, first select Frequency
in Modeling options.
Then, clear Automatically estimate impulse response
Use only S-parameter magnitude with appropriate delay — Use only S-parameter magnitude with appropriate delay
(default) | on
Select this parameter to S-parameter phase and delay the impulse response by half its length. This parameter is applicable only for S-parameter data modeled in time domain. You can use this parameter to shape spectral content with filter effects by specifying only magnitude.
This parameter introduces an artificial delay to the system.
Source of frequency data — Frequency data source
Extracted from data
(default) | User-defined
Frequency data source, specified as:
When Source of frequency data is
Extracted from data source
, the
Data source must be set to Data
. Verify that the specified Data
file contains frequency data.
When Source of frequency data is
, specify a vector of
frequencies in the Frequency data parameter. Also,
specify units from the corresponding drop-down list.
To set this parameter, first select Data
in Source of amplifier
gain. This selection activates the
Visualization Tab which contains
Source of frequency data
Frequency data — Frequency data range
(default) | finite vector | Hz
| kHz
| MHz
| GHz
Frequency data range, specified as a finite vector.
To enable this parameter, set Source of frequency
data to
Plot type — Type of data plot
X-Y plane
(default) | Polar plane
| Z Smith chart
| Y Smith chart
| ZY Smith chart
Type of data plot that you want to produce with your data specified as one of the following:
X-Y plane
— Generate a Cartesian plot of your data versus frequency. To create linear, semilog, or log-log plots, set the Y-axis scale and X-axis scale accordingly.Polar plane
— Generate a polar plot of your data. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.Z smith chart
,Y smith chart
, andZY smith chart
— Generate a Smith® chart. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.
Parameter 1 — Type of S-Parameters to plot
(default) | S12
| S21
| S22
| NF
Type of S-Parameters to plot, specified as S11
, S21
, or
. When noise is spectral NF
plotting is possible.
To enable NF
, set Noise
type to Noise figure
select Apply.
Parameter 2 — Type of S-Parameters to plot
(default) | S11
| S12
| S21
| S22
| NF
Type of S-Parameters to plot, specified as S11
, S21
, or
. When noise is spectral NF
plotting is possible.
To enable NF
, set Noise
distribution to Piece-wise
or Colored
select Apply.
Format1 — Plot format
Magnitude (decibels)
(default) | Magnitude (linear)
| Angle(degrees)
| Real
| Imaginary
Plot format, specified as Magnitude (decibels)
, Real
, or
To enable this parameter, set Plot type to
X-Y plane
Format2 — Plot format
Magnitude (decibels)
(default) | Magnitude (linear)
| Angle(degrees)
| Real
| Imaginary
Plot format, specified as Magnitude (decibels)
, Real
, or
To enable this parameter, set Plot type to
X-Y plane
Y-axis scale — Y-axis scale
(default) | Logarithmic
Y-axis scale, specified as Linear
To enable this parameter, set Plot type to
X-Y plane
X-axis scale — X-axis scale
(default) | Logarithmic
X-axis scale, specified as Linear
To enable this parameter, set Plot type to
X-Y plane
Plot — Plot specified data
Plot specified data using plot button.
More About
Noise Figure Data
Noise figure represents only a subset of the noise information (spot noise data) needed to fully describe the noise behavior of a two-port device. When only noise figure is specified, RF Blockset amplifier defines the spot noise parameters in the following manner:
Amplifier exhibits specified noise figure when source impedance is matched to the reference impedance ().
Spot Noise Data
Noise in RF Blockset amplifiers are represented as two correlated noise sources at the input port of a noiseless two-port:
The noise sources variance and correlation are governed by an ABCD-correlation matrix:
that is determined by measurable quantities:
NFmin - Minimum noise figure
Rn - Equivalent noise resistance
Yopt - Optimal source admittance
k - Boltzman's constant
T - Noise temperature in Kelvin
The above quantities are specified in the amplifier from the noise data section in
the .s2p
file or directly as masked parameters in the noise pane.
In both cases:
NFmin is specified in decibels
Rn is specified as equivalent normalized resistance, RN (
Rn = Z0RN
).Yopt is specified in terms of optimal reflection coefficient, Γopt (
Yopt = Y0(1-Γopt)/(1+Γopt)
In the above, Z0 =
is the reference impedance that is
real. If the Source of amplifier gain is Data
, the reference impedance is specified in the
file or in the amplifier mask. Other wise the reference
impedance is 50 ohms.
The noise factor, F, of the amplifier is affected by the noisy source impedance, Zs, and is determined from the ABCD-correlation matrix:
The noise figure, NF, is obtained from the noise factor using, NF =
[1] Gonzalez, Guillermo. “Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design”, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984.
[2] Grob, Siegfried and Juergen Lindner. “Polynomial Model Derivation of Nonlinear Amplifiers, Department of Information Technology, University of Ulm, Germany.
[3] Kundert, Ken. “Accurate and Rapid Measurement of IP 2 and IP 3”, The Designers Guide Community, Version 1b, May 22, 2002.
[4] Pozar, David M. “Microwave Engineering”, Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
Version History
Introduced in R2010bR2024b: Time domain (rationalfit)
parameter renamed
The Time domain (rationalfit)
parameter value in the
Modeling options parameter has been renamed to
Time domain
in the Amplifier
When you open a model created before R2024b containing an Amplifier
block, the parameter name displays as Time domain
R2022b: Three new parameters added
The Amplifier block has three new parameters.
Network-parameter object — Use this parameter to specify a network parameter object as the source of amplifier gain.
Use rational object — Use this parameter to specify a
object as the source of amplifier gain.Plot power characteristics — Use this button to plot the power characteristics of an amplifier based on the specified nonlinearities.
R2022b: Two block parameters renamed
The Pick operation frequency at maximum S21 magnitude and Frequency data parameters have been renamed to Use operation frequency at maximum S21 magnitude and Source of frequency data, respectively.
When you open a model created before R2022b containing the Amplifier block, the software replaces the old parameter names with the new names.
R2022a: Modeling noise in nonlinear circuit envelope amplifier
The Amplifier block now enables you to model frequency-dependent noise as colored noise when your amplifier operates in a nonlinear region.
When you open a model created before R2022a containing the Amplifier block operating in a nonlinear region with frequency-dependent noise, the software models the noise as specified in the block.
R2022a: Two new parameters added
The Amplifier block has two new parameters.
AM/AM-AM/PM table — Use this parameter to specify amplifier power characteristics using AM/AM-AM/PM table.
Use constant S21 and nonlinearity — Use this parameter to model frequency-dependent gain (S21) when operating in a nonlinear region.
R2021b: Amplifier block icon updated
Starting in R2021b, the Amplifier block icon has updated. The block icon is now dynamic and shows the current state of the noise parameter.
When you open a model created before R2021b containing an Amplifier block, the software replaces the block icon with the R2021b version.
See Also
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