Main Content

jc_0723: Prohibited direct transition from external state to child state

Since R2020a

Guideline Publication

Control Algorithm Modeling Guidelines - Using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Stateflow®

Sub ID Recommendations

  • NA-MAAB — No recommendations

  • JMAAB — a

MATLAB Versions



Sub ID a

Transitions from one state directly to an external child state shall be prohibited.

Custom Parameter

Not Applicable

Example — Correct

Transition from parent state to parent state.

Transition from child state to another parent state.

Example — Incorrect

Direct transition from an external state to a child state in a different state.

Direct transition from an external child state to a child state in a different state.


Sub ID a:

  • Direct transitions between child states can complicate the states and decrease readability.


Model Advisor check: Check usage of transitions to external states (Simulink Check)

Last Changed


Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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