Ajustes y configuración
Instale el paquete de soporte para dispositivos Android® en Simulink®. La instalación incluye la descarga e instalación del paquete de soporte. También se incluye una guía para saber cómo conectar un dispositivo Android a su ordenador de trabajo.
getAndroidSLSupportPkgToolPaths | Display the installation paths to the third party development tools |
- Install Support for Android Devices
Install software for Android devices.
- Install Tested Version of Android Studio and SDK Platform Packages and Tools
Install tested version of Android Studio and SDK platform packages and developer tools used by Android Studio.
- Install Latest Version of Android Studio and SDK Platform Packages and Tools
Install latest version of Android Studio and SDK platform packages and developer tools used by Android Studio.
Solución de problemas
Configure your Android device to access developer features, such as app deployment.
Collect Hardware Specifications from Android Device
Description of how the Simulink Support Package for Android Devices retrieves hardware information from your Android device.
Update to Latest Version of Android Studio
Update Android Studio to the latest version available for download.
Grant Execute Permission on Gradle Folder
Grant execute permission on gradle folder in Mac and Windows®.