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Return information about publisher that signed the protected model

Since R2020a


[publisher,tf] = Simulink.ProtectedModel.getPublisher(protectedModel) returns the name of the publisher that signed protectedModel and whether the certificate is verified by a trusted certificate authority. To verify the certificate, the corresponding certificate file must be in your computer's trusted certificate authority store.



collapse all

Get publisher information for the protected model signed_model_name.


The function returns the name of the publisher that signed the protected model.

Verify the publisher and status of the protected model signed_model_name.

[publisher, verified] = Simulink.ProtectedModel.getPublisher('signed_model_name.slxp');

The variable publisher represents the name of the publisher that signed the model. verified has a value of 1 if the signature is verified by a trusted certificate authority.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of the signed protected model, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'my_model.slxp'

Output Arguments

collapse all

Name of publisher that signed the protected model, returned as a character vector or string scalar. If the signature is not verified by a trusted certificate authority, publisher returns empty.

True or false result, returned as a 1 or 0. tf returns 1 if the signature on the protected model is verified by a trusted certificate authority.

Introduced in R2020a

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