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What Is Acceleration?

Acceleration is a mode of operation in the Simulink® product that you can use to speed up the execution of your model. The Simulink software includes two modes of acceleration: accelerator mode and rapid accelerator mode. Both modes replace the normal interpreted code with compiled target code. Using compiled code speeds up simulation of many models, especially those where run time is long compared to the time associated with compilation and checking to see if the target is up to date.

Accelerator mode works with any model, but performance decreases if a model contains blocks that do not support acceleration. Accelerator mode supports the Simulink debugging programmatic interface and the Simulink Profiler. These tools help with debugging and determining relative performance of various parts of your model. For more information, see emode and How Simulink Profiler Captures Performance Data.

Rapid accelerator mode works with only those models that contain blocks that support code generation of a standalone executable. For this reason, rapid accelerator mode does not support debugging options or the Simulink Profiler. However, this mode generally results in faster execution than accelerator mode. When used with dual-core processors, rapid accelerator mode runs Simulink and the MATLAB® technical computing environment from one core while the rapid accelerator target runs as a separate process on a second core.

For more information about the performance characteristics of the accelerator and rapid accelerator modes, and how to measure the difference in performance, see Comparing Performance.

To optimize your model and achieve faster simulation automatically using Performance Advisor, see Automated Performance Optimization.

To employ modeling techniques that help achieve faster simulation, see Manual Performance Optimization.

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