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Namespace: frest

Identify time-varying source blocks


    Use the frest.findSources function to identify such time-varying sources in your Simulink® model. Time-varying source blocks can interfere with frequency response estimation by driving the model away from the operating point of the linearized system. You can disable the identified sources before estimating a frequency response using frestimate. For more information, see Effects of Time-Varying Source Blocks on Frequency Response Estimation.

    blocks = frest.findSources(model) finds all time-varying source blocks in the signal path of any linear analysis output point marked in the Simulink model model.

    blocks = frest.findSources(model,io) finds all time-varying source blocks in the signal path of any linearization output point specified in the array of linear analysis points io.



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    Open a model that contains time-varying source blocks.

    mdl = "scdspeed_ctrlloop";

    Set the engine reference model to normal simulation mode for accurate linearization.

    set_param("scdspeed_ctrlloop/Engine Model",...

    Obtain the linear analysis points that are defined in the model.

    io = getlinio(mdl);

    Estimate the frequency response of the model without disabling the time-varying source blocks. Define a sinestream input signal and obtain the estimated frequency response sysest.

    in = frest.Sinestream(...
    [sysest,simout] = frestimate(mdl,io,in);

    To view the impact of the time-varying sources on the estimation result, compute an exact linearization of the model and compare it to the estimated response.

    sys = linearize(mdl,io);

    MATLAB figure

    The estimated frequency response does not match the exact linearization. The mismatch occurs because time-varying source blocks in the model prevent the response from reaching steady state.

    Find the time-varying source blocks.

    srcblks = frest.findSources(mdl); 

    To disable the source blocks, first create an frestimateOptions object and set the BlocksToHoldConstant parameter to the time-varying source blocks.

    opts = frestimateOptions("BlocksToHoldConstant",srcblks);

    Estimate the frequency response with the time-varying source blocks disabled.

    [sysest2,simout2] = frestimate(mdl,io,in,opts);

    Compare the estimated response sysest2 with the exact linearization result.


    MATLAB figure

    The estimated response matches the exact linearization.

    Input Arguments

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    Name of the Simulink model for which you want to identify time-varying sources.

    Linear analysis points representing inputs, outputs, and loop openings, specified as a linearization I/O object or an array of such objects. The frest.findSources function uses only the linearization output points in io.

    For more information on specifying linear analysis points, see Specify Portion of Model to Linearize and Specify Portion of Model to Linearize at Command Line.

    Output Arguments

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    Time-varying source blocks, returned as an array of BlockPath objects. blocks includes time-varying source blocks inside subsystems and normal-mode referenced models.

    If you specify io, blocks contains all time-varying source blocks contributing to the signal at the output analysis points in io.

    If you do not specify io, blocks contains all time-varying source blocks contributing to the signals at the output analysis points marked in model. For more information on specifying analysis points in your model, see Specify Portion of Model to Linearize in Simulink Model.


    • To disable time-varying source blocks during frequency response estimation, first create an frestimateOptions object and set its BlocksToHoldConstant property to blocks or a subset of blocks. Then, estimate the frequency response using frestimate.

    • When model includes a reference model that contains a source block in the signal path of a linearization output point, set the reference model to normal simulation mode before finding sources using frest.findSources.

    Alternative Functionality

    Version History

    Introduced in R2010b

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