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Verify Requirements by Using Tests

Run requirements-based tests in MATLAB® and Simulink® to verify requirements

Link requirements to tests in MATLAB and Simulink, then verify the requirements by running the tests. Track the verification status of requirements, and justify requirements that cannot or do not need to be verified. Use external results to verify requirements.


Requirements EditorCreate and edit requirements
Requirements ManagerManage requirements and links in model


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slreq.ReqSet Work with requirement sets
slreq.Requirement Work with requirement objects
slreq.Reference Work with external requirement proxy objects
slreq.JustificationRequirement justifications Work with external results sources (Since R2020a) Work with external results sources (Since R2020a)


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runTests Run test cases linked to requirement set
getVerificationStatus Query requirement set verification status summary
updateVerificationStatusUpdate requirement set verification status summary
getVerificationStatus Query requirement verification status summary
isJustifiedForCheck if requirement is justified
justifyImplementation Justify requirements for implementation
justifyVerification Justify requirements for verification
getVerificationStatus Query referenced requirement verification status summary
justifyVerification Justify referenced requirements for verification

Get Justifications and Requirement Sets

findFind children of parent justification
childrenFind children justifications
parentFind parent item of justification
reqSet Return parent requirement set

Add and Remove Justifications

addAdd child justification
copyCopy and paste justification
remove Remove justification items

Move, Promote, and Demote Requirements

moveMove justification in hierarchy
moveDownMove justification down in hierarchy
moveUpMove justification up in hierarchy
promotePromote justifications
demoteDemote justifications

Add Comments and Customize Justifications

addCommentAdd comments to justifications
getAttributeGet justification attributes
setAttributeSet justification attributes

Check and Set Hierarchy

isHierarchicalCheck if justification is hierarchical
setHierarchicalChange hierarchical justification status


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