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Generate report of test results

Description,filePath,Name,Value) generates a report of the specified results in resultObj and saves the report to the filePath location.



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Generate a report that includes the test author, test title, and the MATLAB® version used to run the test case. The report includes only failed results.

filePath = 'test.pdf';,filePath,...

If you create a custom class to customize how the report is generated using the sltest.testmanager.TestResultReport class, then generate the report using:

% Import existing results or use to run tests
% and collect results
result = sltest.testmanager.importResults('testResults.mldatx');
filePath = '';,filePath,...

Input Arguments

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Filename and path of the generated report, specified as a character vector. File path must have file extension of pdf, docx, or zip, which are the only supported file types.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'IncludeTestRequirement',true

Name of the report author, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'Test Engineer'

Title of the report, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'Test_Report_1'

Choose to include the version of MATLAB used to run the test cases, specified as a Boolean value, true or false.

Choose to include the test requirement link defined under Requirements in the test case, specified as a Boolean value, true or false.

Choose to include the simulation output plots of each signal, specified as a Boolean value, true or false.

Number of rows of plots to include on report pages, specified as an integer from 1 to 4. This property is used only if the IncludeSimulationSignalPlots property is true.

Number of columns of plots to include on report pages, specified as an integer from 1 to 4. This property is used only if the IncludeSimulationSignalPlots property is true.

Choose to include the signal comparison plots defined under baseline criteria, equivalence criteria, or assessments using the verify operator in the test case, specified as a Boolean value, true or false.

Option to include the figures opened from a callback script, custom criteria, or by the model in the report, specified as true or false.

Choose to include error messages from the test case simulations, specified as a Boolean value, true or false.

Option to include all or a subset of test results in the report. You can select passed and failed results, specified as the integer value 0, select only passed results, specified as the value 1, or select only failed results, specified as the value 2.

Open the report when it is finished generating, specified as a Boolean value, true or to not open the report, false.

Name and path for a Microsoft® Word template file to use for report generation, specified as a character vector. This is an optional argument that is only available if you have a MATLAB Report Generator™ license.

Name of the class used for report customization, specified as a character vector. This is an optional argument that is only available if you have a MATLAB Report Generator license.

Choose to include coverage metrics that are collected at test execution, specified as a Boolean value, true or false. For more information about collecting coverage, see Collect Coverage in Tests.

Choose to include simulation metadata for each test case or iteration, specified as a Boolean value, true or false. The metadata includes the Simulink® model, model version, model path, simulation mode, override SIL or PIL mode, configuration set, variant configuration, solver name and type, max step size, start and stop time, checksum, user id, machine name, platform, and Simulink version and release.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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