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Synchronize Tests

If you change the system under test, you can synchronize the test cases to reflect the model changes. Also, if you remove model components, you can disable or delete test cases in the Test Manager when you synchronize.

Synchronizing your test file automatically creates a new test case for:

  • Each new scenario in the Signal Editor block at the top level of your model and the top level of each test harness. The model must have only one Signal Editor block at those levels to create a test case.

  • Each new test harness in the model.

To synchronize your test file:

  1. In the Test Manager Test Browser pane, hover over the test filename that you want to update.

  2. Click the synchronization button next to the test filename.

  3. Follow the prompts to specify:

    • The type of test file to create for the new components

    • Whether to disable or delete out-of-date components

      Disabled tests appear in the list in italic.

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